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"Hyung, h-have... you seen J-Jimin?" Taehyung asks Yoongi as he enters his practice room panting. The older looks at him with confusion and tells him that he doesn't know where Jimin is.

"We need to find him as soon as possible, hyung." Taehyung says trying to catch his breath. This makes Yoongi worried too, "Is something wrong, Tae? Why are you panting?"

"W-We need to find Jimin." Taehyung says looking blankly at the wall. The way Jungkook told him to find Jimin and the way he ran away after receiving the text made Taehyung very worried. He wonders if everything is okay.

"We will find him, okay? You take deep breaths first and calm down. Let me try calling him." Yoongi say pulling his phone out but the younger tells him that he tried calling Jimin already but his phone is switched off. When the same thing happens with Yoongi, the both of them decide to look for Jimin in the university. After a good fifteen minutes of wondering around and trying to look for the boy, they start thinking of any other option because their university is huge and it is not possible for them to search every classroom of every building.

An idea pops up in Taehyung's mind so he dials Soobin's number.

"Hey, Tae!" Soobin answers.

"Hey, I need your help."

"Sure. What can I do?"

"I want you to make an announcement for Park Jimin. Tell him to report to the broadcasting room as soon as possible." Taehyung says and Yoongi looks at him with a smile. He likes Taehyung's idea.

"Okay, I'll do it." Soobin says. Taehyung hangs up saying he would be there soon.

Even fifteen minutes after the announcement is made, Jimin doesn't show up. Taehyung's anxiety rises with every passing second. Soobin and Yoongi try to ask what the matter is but all he says is that he needs to find Jimin.

To make matters worse, Taehyung receives a text from Jungkook asking if he and Jimin are okay but when he replies to him by saying that he couldn't find his best friend, he immediately gets a call from the ravenette.

"What do you mean by you couldn't find Jimin? He should be in the university at this time." Jungkook says gritting his teeth. Clearly he is very pissed at the moment and why wouldn't he be? Jimin is his brother even if they don't have the same mother. Jungkook's tone scares Taehyung.

"I-I'm trying." Taehyung says in a low voice. He wonders if Jungkook thinks that he is the only one who is worried. Taehyung is worried too. After all Jimin is his best friend.

"Look Tae, I just found out that the gang is planning something big. I'm planning to do something about it. But I need to make sure that Jimin is okay first. My hands will be tied if Jimin is with them right now. You do understand how important it is to find him, right?" Jungkook tries to maintain his calm while telling the younger. Taehyung understands the depth of the situation.

"Okay, I'll find him." Taehyung says with determination in his voice. He tells Soobin to make an announcement again and leaves the broadcasting room himself telling Soobin to contact him if Jimin shows up.

"Tae, you are scaring me. What's going on? Is everything okay with Jimin?" Yoongi is worried sick. He feels like his patience is giving out.

"I'll tell you everything once we find him, hyung. But let's just find him first, yeah?" Taehyung asks, his eyes begging Yoongi to understand.

"Okay." Is all Yoongi says. When they reach the locker room, they see Baekhyun running towards them. "Tae-Taehyung, what's wrong w-with Jimin?" Baekhyun asks gasping for air once he reaches the two boys.

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