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Seokjin looks at his brother who is peacefully sleeping on his bed, curled like a ball as he holds Seokjin's shirt as if his life depends on it. Taehyung looks like a baby who thinks that his mother would leave him if he lets go of that grip. Seokjin smiles at him and brushes his hair away from his forehead.

The past three days have been very difficult for everyone. Seokjin was shocked and terrified when he got to know what happened in the abandoned building. He demanded to know how his brother got involved with a gang again and Namjoon had a hard time explaining everything to him.

Seokjin was mad. He didn't like the idea of Taehyung being anywhere near anything dangerous but he was there, on the rooftop with a gang. Taehyung had a panic attack there and no one was there to calm him down. Maybe there were people but they couldn't exactly do anything because everyone's lives were in danger.

When Jimin had fallen from the rooftop, everyone had lost their minds. Police became more active and arrested the entire gang. Even though they tried to escape, they couldn't because the police had surrounded the building and they didn't leave any scope for the gang to escape.

Hoseok had already called the hospital so Jungkook was taken away by the ambulance. The ravenette was a crying mess. His brother fell off the building and he couldn't do anything about it. Taehyung's panic attack triggered further when he realized what happened and he wouldn't calm down. So Namjoon quickly called Seokjin and told him to come for Taehyung. Seokjin had lost his mind when he got there and saw his brother in the messy condition he was.

Taehyung was struggling with the memories of the past and the horrible sight of his friend falling down from the building in front of him. He feels guilty as Jungkook had asked him to pull Jimin up and save him but he couldn't. He cannot help but think that he failed Jungkook. He cannot get Jimin's crying face out of his head. He feels horrible about not being able to help and becoming a liability in the end.

Jungkook underwent a surgery to get the bullet out too and all the time the ravenette was inside the operation theater, Taehyung was scared. He just wanted Jungkook to be okay. They have a lot to talk about, a lot of things to clear between them. He wants to live a happy life with the ravenette but so many things are fucked up. Now that the gang is caught and they all are safe, Taehyung is determined to fix everything.

His heart is heavy with guilt and he is embarrassed to face the ravenette. To make the matters worse, Taehyung's nightmares are back. He couldn't get proper sleep as all the horrible memories would come and haunt him at night. For the past three nights, he has never got proper sleep for once and woke up covered in sweat and with tears in his eyes.

Seokjin is really worried for him. It is difficult for him to handle his brother. Still he tries his best and makes him sleep in his room these days. Seokjin has also cancelled a few of his scheduled activities just to look after Taehyung and with great difficulty, he was able to put him back to sleep right now. He needs to think about something that can possibly help the younger. He cannot afford to see Taehyung like this again. His brother is too young to be going through so much shit in life.

He keeps patting Taehyung's forehead until he falls asleep himself. A few hours later, Seokjin wakes up as he hears the doorbell ring. Taehyung squirms at the noise too and Seokjin starts patting his head again to make him fall asleep. He wants his brother to get as much rest as possible.

"Shhh, you're okay. Just sleep." Seokjin whispers in his ears and runs his fingers through his hair softly. When he notices Taehyung's regular breathing again, he gets out of the bed and goes to check who came to his house so early in the morning.

Once he sees that it's Namjoon through the video doorbell, he opens the door and lets him in. "What brings you here so early in the morning? And didn't I tell you not to ring the doorbell continuously? What if Taehyung had woken up?"

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