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A few days later, Taehyung finds himself standing outside Jungkook's studio in the evening. Today is the day when JK would be revealing his face and about himself. There is no one as excited as Taehyung. His friends thought it's crazy for him to be this excited because he basically knows who JK is. But the fanboy in him hasn't died yet and he wants to see it live.

Taehyung punches the code of the studio and walks in. The aroma of chicken curry surrounds the small place and Taehyung's stomach reacts to it by grumbling.

"Looks like someone is hungry here." A voice speaks closely in his ears and a hand is placed around his stomach from the back and caresses it. Taehyung looks down with an embarrassed smile but when he sees the hand on his stomach, he feels so happy. Finally he is here with Jungkook. With the talent hunt show going on, he didn't get much time to spend with his friends and family. He is allowed to go out only once a week and most of the time his schedule didn't match with Jungkook's. Even after living in the same city, they are seeing each other after four whole weeks. It's too much for them.

"Look who we have here. Am I really seeing the Kim Taehyung?" Jungkook asks as he walks into the kitchen. He stirs the contents in the container while looking at Taehyung expectantly.

"Come on, don't talk like you don't see me at all." Taehyung says and walks closer to Jungkook.

"But I don't."

"But you do."

"How so?"

"On video call, of course." Taehyung says and Jungkook rolls his eyes. He keeps the spatula away and turns to Taehyung. They stare intently into each other's eyes and Jungkook places his hands on Taehyung's hips. He then holds him firmly before lifting him up and making him sit on the kitchen counter.

"That's not the real thing, baby. I can't touch you or hold you when we talk on video call." Jungkook pouts cutely. Taehyung laughs and locks his arms around Jungkook's neck.

"You're right. But this is the last week it's going to happen. Then we can see each other more frequently." Taehyung tells him.

"You sure about that, Tae?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"In case you are forgetting, if you win the show, you will become an idol. You do know how busy your schedule will get then, right? You'll have to write songs, do vocal and dance practices, interaction with fans, promotions and what not." Jungkook sulks.

"Oh Jungkookie, first of all I haven't won the show yet. We'll get to know what happens this weekend... but no matter what happens, I will always find time for you." Taehyung rubs Jungkook's lower lips gently and whispers the last part in his ear seductively. Jungkook shivers at the voice. Taehyung slides his hand up to Jungkook's clothed chest and says, "I missed you, Kookie. I always wanted to find time for you but our schedules didn't match."

"Yeah, I know. I missed you too." Jungkook pecks his lips. They keep looking into each other's eyes, their eyes conveying how much they missed each other.

"Seems like this is done." Jungkook says. Taehyung looks at him with a confused expression but Jungkook moves away and stirs the container one last time before turning the stove off. The younger realizes that he was talking about the food.

"Let's eat, baby." Jungkook suggests. Taehyung nods and walks to the dining table. They eat their food while talking about random topics until Taehyung brings up something interesting.

"You know Jungkook, when we get married, you would be the one cooking for us. Don't expect me to do it." Taehyung says without realizing what he said. Jungkook smirks at him and raises an eyebrow, "When we get married?"

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