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"So how are we gonna go?" Taehyung asks as he follows Jungkook. He looks confused as he doesn't see any car parked near the area.

"On my bike. Hope on." Jungkook says as he sits on a black motorbike which looks rather expensive. Taehyung looks at it with eyes full of surprise. Of course he never rode a bike before, just like a lot of other things that he has not done yet and he is nervous about it.

"What's taking you so long? It's past 12 at night. We're getting late." Jungkook says in a rather bored tone. Taehyung slightly nods and throws his leg across the seat to sit on the bike. Once he sits, he tries to find a comfortable position for himself.

"The bike doesn't have thorns, you know?" Jungkook chuckles looking at the blonde boy through the mirror.

"Sorry." The younger quickly mumbles.

"I have only one helmet and I'll be using it. You can just hold me tight since you're sitting behind me." The ravenette says as he starts the bike. Taehyung nervously holds the older boy's shoulder. As they ride away, the younger's heartbeat quickens. He feels so good when the wind touches his skin. He likes the way the wind blows his hair. A small smile makes it's way on his face which does not go unnoticed by the older as he is looking at the younger from time to time through the mirror.

"Aren't you enjoying yourself a little too much?" Jungkook comments making the younger blush a little. Just when I thought he couldn't be more adorable. Jungkook thinks to himself. He doesn't know why he just thought that Taehyung is adorable but then he remembers what Namjoon said a while ago. He said that there's nothing wrong with admiring beauty.

Wait, did I just think of looking at Taehyung as admiring beauty? Does it mean that I think he's beautiful? But he is. God, I'm going crazy. Jungkook shakes his head and Taehyung wonders what the elder is thinking.

"Is everything okay, hyung?" He asks patting his shoulders lightly.

"Oh yeah." The elder replies and that's when it clicks him. The younger just called him 'hyung'. Jungkook applies the break suddenly and blinks multiple times. Taehyung never called him hyung. Because of the sudden break, Taehyung's body collides with Jungkook's back and he holds the elder tightly as if his life depends on it.

"W-what h-happened?" He asks in a hushed tone, worry taking the best of him. Jungkook takes a deep breath and composes himself.

"Nothing. There was a cat trying to cross the road." The ravenette lies and Taehyung believes that because he wasn't paying attention to the road. He was just focusing on enjoying the cool night air.

"Okay." He says in a small voice and Jungkook restarts the bike. "Why did you call me hyung? You never call me that." The ravenette asks, trying to sound as casual as he can but it's a little difficult for him as Taehyung's hands are tightly wrapped around his waist.

"Well, you're older than me and dropping me home so late at night. I just thought I should be more respectful towards you." The younger shrugs and Jungkook smiles at that.

"Oh, okay." Jungkook nods. The rest of the ride is quiet as Taehyung is busy enjoying the wind and the view while Jungkook has his focus on the road and on Taehyung's hands around his waist.

After a while, they reach Hannam-dong. "Tell me the directions to your house and don't tell me you don't know." Jungkook smirks while the younger glares but the again, the cute pout on his face makes him look adorable and not angry.

"Why would you say that?"

"Because the last time we were in Hannam-dong you told your hyung you didn't know where you were." Jungkook says in a matter of fact tone.

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