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"Oh my god, the look on Hobi hyung's face was hilarious." Jungkook laughs again. The two boys are now sitting in Taehyung's room. When the ravenette drove him home, the younger thought it would be rude not to ask him to come inside. So here they are, sitting in Taehyung's room and talking.

The ravenette is actually very impressed by the apartment. His desire to buy a house in the area has grown even stronger. After all, it is his dream to live here since so many years.

"Why do you like annoying people so much?" The blonde boy asks Jungkook.

"Who got annoyed by me?"

"Hobi hyung might have said some things about you."

"Forget what he said." Jungkook says as he lays down on the bed, stretching his legs straight. He is very tired. He worked so hard during the entire weekend. He closes his eyes for a while, unaware of the fact that a certain blonde boy is staring at him. Taehyung can't help but think how peaceful the older boy looks right now. His features are perfect and so is his body. He is tall and handsome. He has a good personality too and all this things make Taehyung like him even more.

After staring for a while, something comes to Taehyung's mind and he carefully lays down next to the other boy. He looks at the ravenette and smiles to himself. He likes the fact that they are getting closer and also that he is so close to him physically right now.

On the other hand, Jungkook is now fully aware that Taehyung is next to him as he felt the mattress dip a bit but he doesn't want to spoil the moment as he knows that the younger would get shy and nervous around him.

A few minutes pass. Jungkook still has his eyes closed. It feels good to relax like this, with the younger on his side. Just a second later, he feels a finger gently tracing his cheek. His breath hitches. The younger is touching him! But he tries not to react because he doesn't want Taehyung to stop. Then the finger traces his eyebrows, then his nose. Then it slides to his jawline and finally his hand caresses the older boy's cheek lightly. It is very difficult for Jungkook to control himself. The younger's touch makes him feel so many things at the same time and he is absolutely loving it.

"Why is he so good looking?" Jungkook hears the younger mumble and he fights an urge to smile. As Taehyung's hand still continue to do wonders on his skin, he also feels that the younger boy has slid closer to him. His warm breath touches his ear, sending a tingling sensation throughout his body. Jungkook knows he cannot control anymore. All he wants is to flip the younger boy and have him under himself. He wants to kiss him senseless. He wants to torture him just like he is being tortured.

But would it be too soon? Would Taehyung run away? But he started it. Doesn't it mean that he likes me too? Ugh... this is so annoying. I really should test the waters. Jungkook thinks to himself and when he decides to do something, they both hear a voice.

"Taehyung-ah, are you in your room?" Jin calls his brother. Taehyung panics. He doesn't know what his brother would say when he finds out that Jungkook is sleeping in his room.

He quickly gets out of the bed and exits his room before his brother barges in. Jungkook opens his eyes and sighs. He takes a few deep breaths to calm his hormones down. If Taehyung continued for a few more minutes, I would have surely got a boner. He thinks as he knows that he is already semi hard.

Outside the room, Jin is sitting on the couch and Taehyung joins him. "So where did you go?" Jin asks the younger while Taehyung bites his lower lip. His brother found out that he wasn't home. But how?

"How do you know I wasn't at home, hyung?"

"My secretary came home to get something I forgot and she told me that you were not home. I had to tell her the damn passcode of our house, Taehyung-ah." Jin narrows his eyes and Taehyung gulps.

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