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"Oh my god, what happened to this young man over here?" The nurse of their college infirmary rushes towards Jungkook and Taehyung.

"He fell down and I think he twisted his ankle." Jungkook replies as he gently places Taehyung on a bed. He steps back a little, giving some space to the nurse to start the check up. She touches Taehyung's ankle and he whimpers at the contact.

"It hurts." He murmurs, pulling his leg away but that causes him even more pain.

"Taehyung, if you keep doing that, I can't treat you properly." The nurse sighs but when there is no improvement in Taehyung's behavior, she looks helplessly at Jungkook. Taehyung is not at all cooperating with the nurse and one of the reasons for it is because it hurts him. But there is another reason and that is, he doesn't like doctors and nurses. He thinks that they think he is crazy. They used to inject him various fluids and put him on a lot of medication for six years and he hates them a lot now. He thinks that it's because of them that he lost six years, six important years of his life.

"Jungkook, please tell him to cooperate with me." The nurse says. The ravenette nods his head. He sits in the little space left next to Taehyung on the bed and wraps an arm around him. He uses his other hand to hold the younger's hand and draws soothing circles on his skin.

 He uses his other hand to hold the younger's hand and draws soothing circles on his skin

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This action instantly distracts the younger. He likes what Jungkook is doing to him. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. She is just trying to help you." Jungkook says softly.

"But that doesn't change the fact that it hurts, Jungkook. A lot actually." Taehyung says, his eyes tearing up again as he feels the nurse applying something cold on his ankle. He immediately moves his leg away but again, it causes even more pain.

"Aaaaahhh..." Taehyung cries. All the bad memories coming back all at once. He remembers how he was trapped in a big house for years. He remembers how the doctors forced him when he declined to get the treatment. When he complained to his parents about it, they said that the doctors were doing it for his own good. The nurses were no better too. A nurse was always there for him and they constantly bugged him for taking his medicines on time.

"Taehyung, look at me, baby." Jungkook instantly cups his cheek, making him look at himself. Taehyung slightly blushes as he realizes how many times Jungkook has called him 'baby' already. He also remembers the way people were staring at them when he was being carried by the ravenette to the infirmary. He knew they were talking about them but he doesn't exactly know what they were talking about as he was too busy crying and trying to endure the pain.

"If you cooperate with the nurse right now, I'll take you out on a date." Jungkook says and Taehyung eyes widen at his words.

Date? Jungkook wants to take me out on a date? But why? Does he like me too? He called me baby so many times today and he also kissed me that day, so there's a chance that he likes me, right? Taehyung starts thinking, momentarily forgetting about the pain in his ankle. But he is suddenly snapped back to reality when he feels the nurse holding his foot again and starts applying some spray over it. The pain and the burning sensation from the spray make Taehyung's eyes well up with tears and he yelps.

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