Record shop // Thomas Sangster imagine

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TBS imagine:

I kicked the small rocks on the pathway as I walked. The air was cold and it was snowing. I pulled up my scarf higher on my neck so it kept me a little bit warmer. I took a sharp turn at the zebra crossing and walked across the street to the record shop.

I entered the little record store and instantly the warmth hit me. I lowered my scarf and pulled up my jacket sleeves.

"Hey Y/N." Charlie, at the counter said in a welcoming voice.

"Hey Charlie, has the new Beatles record come out yet?" I asked and smiled widely.

"Sure has." He smiled over eagerly and handed me a new record. The smell of it churned inside my stomach and the texture of it made my heart beat faster. I have always loved records, and how they are just.. Well... Perfect. I have always loved the smell of it when it's brand new or old. The texture of how it feels and looks. The wide black brim surrounding the centre circle, that had a pop of colour.

"Wow, can I listen?" I asked him.

"Sure." He nodded and gestured to the stand of record players that were sitting at the back of the shop.

"Thank you." I bit my bottom lip in excitement and power walked towards the back of the poster covered store.

I put the record on and the music began to sway out in tune. It sounded amazing. I stood there with my eyes closed taking in every single word, note, melody. Everything.
Until someone interrupted me.

"Excuse me, but is the The Beatles?" A bold British accent disturbed me from my humble below of tune.

I turned around to face a wide brown eyed, tall, dirty blonde haired guy. He was beautiful. A symphony of feelings rushed around my stomach and soon I could hardy get any words out.

"Y- Yes." Was all I could say. His cheekbones were so detailed, his jaw line looked like someone had actually taken the time to carve it. I was speechless at how a human, could look this attractive and actually talk to an ugly outsider like myself. I know that it's rude to stare. But all I wanted to do was stare at him all day.

"Wow, is this their new record?" He asked and took a step closer to me.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Do you mind if I listen?" He asked.

"N-no." I spat out and mentally face palmed myself in the forehead.

"Awesome," he smiled brightly "I'm sorry for being so rude, I'm Thomas." He reached his arm out to me.

"Hi, I'm Y/N." I smiled and shook his hand. His hand was warm and soft.

"That's a lovely name." He smiled brightly causing me to blush.

"Aha, thanks." I smiled back.

"Would you like to get a coffee?" He asked.

"Sure, I'd love to." I smiled.


"So kids, that's how I met your beautiful mother, and my beautiful wife." Thomas smiled widely.

"Who's the Beatles?" Little Sam asked.

"The Beatles is a band, Sam." I smiled at how cute she was.

"Ohhhh, that's a stupid name for a band." Sam retorted and started laughing.

"I know. Why couldn't they call it the rockets or flames?" Davie asked.

"Well, I don't know." Thomas chuckled.

"Ok, well time for bed now." I got up from the couch and picked Sam up. I carried her to her bed and kissed her goodnight. Thomas did the same with Davie.

I walked to our bedroom and crashed on our bed. Thomas followed shortly after and did the same thing.

"You know, if I didn't go to the record store then I wouldn't have met you." Says Thomas.

"Yeah, well that day I was thinking of going to steph's house." I giggled.

"Well, I'm lucky you didn't." He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"So am I." I smiled and cuddled my head into his chest.

"I love you Y/N." Thomas whispered as he lightly kissed my forehead.

" I love you too, Tom." I smiled.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now