Music - For Lucie // TBS

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

Thomas and I walked hand in hand down the snow covered footpath, until we came to a long bench. I sat down next to Thomas and he wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled my head in to his chest. Thomas ran his fingertips along my arm.

"Hey, can you hear that?" I sat up out of his grasp. It was slow music swirling in the breeze.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Music. Come on let's see." I got up and grabbed Thomas by his hands, I pulled him along the footpath. A band sat on a bench playing soft music. There were bright fairy lights hung and tangled throughout the trees, that grew along the footpath.

I stood there smiling and watching the band play a quiet slow song, just when Thomas stood in front of me and held his hand out to me.

"Shall we?" He smirked.

"We shall." I took his hand and he lead me into the middle of the footpath in front of the band.

Thomas and I swayed to the music together as one.

"I love you." Thomas mumbled into my hair.

"I love you too." I replied softly.

"I mean it," Thomas let go of me and crouched down on one knee, he pulled out a small box and opened it up revealing a beautiful diamond ring, "Will you Lucie, do me the honour of being my beautiful wife?" His eyes gleamed with passion.

"Yes! A thousand yeses!" I jumped into his arms, Thomas slipped the diamond ring onto my ring finger and connected our lips together.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now