New love - Thomas sangster story - Chapter two

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Chapter two

I shut the door shut and locked it. I walked back over near the shower and unwrapped the towel around me. I threw it up onto the towel rack and stepped into the shower. It was massive, it was the size of two king sized beds stuck together. I opened the glass door and stepped inside. As I just stood there under the warm water I thought about what happened today. I didn't care anymore, I'm with tommy and that's all that really matters. I let all of the frustration, anxiety and my problems get washed away by the infusing water. I got out of the shower and walked over to the towel rack. I picked up a towel and lightly brushed it against my skin as I dried myself. I walked over to the fogged up, body sized mirror and whipped it clean. So I could see a clear vision of myself. I had so many flaws, I don't know how anyone could love me. I was quite tall but not as tall as Thomas. I had quite a petite body, well I had a slim body but on the sides of my waist there were curves. I had long tanned legs, and fragile arms which looked like you could easily break. I was ugly and I hated what I looked like, but I learnt to love myself.

I wrapped the towel around myself once again and walked into Thomas' room. "Hey tom" I slowly walked into his room to find him smirking at me and watching TV. "Could you please go to my car and get my bags out?" I pouted and he gave a chuckle. "Sure, but only for a kiss" he gave a side smile and I started to blush. I looked down at my feet blushing. "Ok" I looked up at him and smiled. He walked from where he was sitting and wrapped his arms around my hips, I smiled and looked into his eyes. I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. I laughed and I saw him smirk, as I was about to leave he grabbed me and pulled me close into him. "Hey that wasn't a real kiss" I playfully rolled my eyes at his remark and leaned in to him. Our lips connected and I felt a huge bang go off in my chest. I could feel him smile through it. As we pulled apart I gave him my car keys. He nodded and gave a smirk before exiting his bed room.

I sat there on his bed watching TV until he came in with all my bags piled up in his hands. I gave a chuckle and walked over to help him. He set all of my bags down on the bed and I rummaged around in them until I found my undergarments, ripped denim jeans, white lace top and my white converse. Thomas sat on his bed watching me and smirking. "I'm going to get dressed now" I said as I held my clothes in my arms. "Ok" he simply said with a smile. "Ummm I think I should get dressed without the company" and I pointed towards the door. "But what if something bad happens, like you get you hair stuck in you top or something" he replied and gave a chuckle. "I don't think so" I put my clothes down and walked towards Thomas then grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room. "I will only be a minute, ok tommy" I smiled and shut the door. "Finneeee" he yelled like a little kid. I put on my clothes and opened the door. Tom was sitting at the door waiting for me. Aww he's so cute! I yelled in my head.

His mouth hung open as he scanned me top to bottom. "W-wow" he managed to cough out. I gave him a smile and walked back into his room. I went through my bag and pulled out a necklace and my small clutch. I put my necklace on and some makeup, perfume and fixed my hair. Then I took my purse, car keys and phone and put it into my clutch. I walked out of the room once again. Thomas jumped up and winded his fingers with mine. I smiled at him causing me to blush. "You look really beautiful Y/N!" He said as we walked down the stairs hand in hand. "So do you" I replied and he gave a soft chuckle. On the way down he grabbed his phone, wallet and car keys. "Do you want to take my car?" I shrugged and said "I don't really mind" I gave him a smile. "Ok let's just take my car" he squeezed my hand and we walked out of his house.

I got into his car, actually his car was amazing. It was a nice silver 4WD. He started up the engine and we drove to the cinemas. He clutched his hand around my thigh making me feel tingles go up and down my spine. I lightly placed my hand on top of his hand and gave him a quick smile before looking out the window. It was about 8:00 so it was dark outside. As we arrived we got out of the car and walked into the cinemas. Tom held me around the waist and close to his chest. I felt so safe when ever I was in his arms.
"So what do you want to see?" I asked him, hoping he wouldn't say Annabelle (holy carp guys scariest movie! Lol sorry continue) because he knew that I wasn't really a big fan of horror movies. "Umm well we could watch the hunger games mocking jay ;) or we could watch the fault in our stars" his eyes sparkled from the lights in the cinema. He's so bloody cute! "I don't mind, you choose" I smiled at him looking deep into his chocolate eyes that I could just melt in. "Ok well I know how you love sad movies so lets watch the fault in our stars" he smiled at me and kissed the top of my forehead.

As we bought the tickets and popcorn and drinks we walked into our cinema room. We sat nine rows up from the front so we were kind of in the middle. Thomas brought me into a cuddle and I laid on him with my head on his shoulder. (There's no armrest things) I looked up at him and gave him a sweet kiss on his bottom lips. He looked down startled but calm and kissed me passionately our lips colliding with each other's. After we pulled apart for a breath I smiled and brought my head back close to his chest.
This was the best night ever!

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