Stay with me - Thomas Sangster - Part 1

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Your POV (point of view)

My name is Y/N I have been diagnosed with hilyopartrum (it's a made up the disease lol) at the age of 8 years old, it's a rare type of disease.

It's where you have a weak heart and get tired really easily and if I use to much of my energy I will faint and pass out. So that means I can't play sports or do a lot of running.

I have to take pills for my heart and go to the doctors every month. Which in my case gets annoying, I hate going to the doctors! I mean HATE! They always pity me and it's so annoying. Life sucks being me. Why couldn't I just have a big nose or a massive forehead? But no I have to have a dying heart!

But I'm lucky to have an amazing boyfriend named Thomas. Thomas Sangster. Yes the, Thomas Sangster is my boyfriend.
We have been dating for a year and about 9 months. And it has been the best year and 9 months of my life! I am so happy I met him, I love him so much!

Ok enough about my life. Do you want to know how I got here? Well it all started 2 weeks ago.....

"Hey Y/N where's my jacket?" Thomas shouted from upstairs with his thick British accent blaring in my ear.

"Umm it's down here on the coat rack" I yelled back and picked up his black leather jacket that he wears nearly all the time. I walked up stairs and handed him his jacket.

"Thanks love" he gave me a sweet kiss then slid his arms through the jacket. "Ok are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Sure am" I smiled and walked down stairs. It was that time of the month again.
It was time to visit the doctor.

Did I mention how I hate going to the doctors? Well if I didn't, then I HATE IT!

I quickly grabbed my small satchel and slung it over my shoulder. We walked out of our apartment and Thomas locked the front door behind us. I walked to his black jeep and opened the door. I slid onto the seat and waited patiently until he got in. He swung open the door and jumped in, he slammed it closed and turned on the ignition.

It took about 20 minutes to get to the doctors so we would just talk and play eye-spy until then. But this time I didn't feel like talking or playing eye-spy, instead I just stared blankly out the window.

"What's wrong babe?" Thomas asked as he placed his hand on my thigh.

"Nothing really... I just hate going to the doctors, what if when I get my check up they find something wrong with me. Like my heart is failing and I only have 2 months to live. What if I turn out to be like Augustus Waters and you turn out to be my Hazel-grace? I'm just scared, that's all...." I looked up at him into his dark chocolate eyes that melts my heart every time I look into them.

"Hey don't think like that! Your gonna be fine ok, and trust me you will never be like Augustus Waters. Your too pretty to be him" he caressed my face with his gentle hands and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you" I took ahold of his hand and intertwined our fingers together.

"That's nice, but I love you more" he kissed the top of my knuckles. I shook my head and he nodded. "Shut up!" I playfully pushed his arm.

"It's true tho, I love you with all my heart!" He kissed me once more and I smiled.

"I love you too, with all of my slowly dying heart" I huffed.

"Shut up Y/N" he gave me a playful death stare and we started to play eye-spy.

I unbuckled my seat belt and took a deep breath in before getting out of the car. Thomas opened my door before I could.

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