Waterfalls - For Lexy // TBS

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

"Lexy! Wait up!" Thomas yells sprinting up to me.

I smile to myself,"Sorry." Thomas links our fingers together and hold my hand tightly.

"Why did we have to go throw the forest? Why couldn't we have gone another way?" Thomas sighs loudly. I smile at him.

"Stop complaining, we are nearly here." I say and kiss Thomas's cheek lightly, before sliding from his grip and running among a few more trees until I come to a small path.

"LEXY!" I hear Thomas yell and him chasing after me. I run down the path until it comes to an end at a large drop. I look down from the rock and see a beautiful streaming waterfall.

"Seriously- stop- running." Thomas crouches down beside me panting and out of breath.

I giggle,"Come on." I start removing my shorts and lace top revealing my black frilled bikinis. I slip off my shoes and stand on the ledge of the rock looking out towards the water.

"Coming." Thomas says and undresses leaving him in white and blue board shorts. He stands beside me and holds my hand.

"Ya ready?" I ask.

He nods,"On the count of three. 1.... 2.... 3.." We jumped off going separate ways. I hit the water and felt the coolness cover my body like a blanket. I resurfaced and so did Thomas. I swam under the waterfall and stood there playing with the water, until to toned arms wrapped around my body.

"You know I love you." Thomas said smiling, his hands caressing my cheeks.

"I do. Do you know I love you." I smile slinging my arms around Thomas's neck.

"Really? You did?" Thomas says mockingly.

"Very funny." I shake my head. Thomas smiles then connects our wet lips together. They moved in sync.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now