Under control - for Bre // newt imagine

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Newt imagine:

Newt and I have been together for as long as I can remember - which is a year now - we've always had this plan of once we get out of the maze that we would settle down and start a family. Newt is the most caring and-

"What are you writing love?" Newt wrapped his arms around my shoulders and rested his chin on top of my head before planting a big kiss on my forehead.

"Writing, and hey you made me smudge it." I reply I'm a jokingly angry tone.

"Sorry, Bre." He kissed my noes, then my left cheek then my right, before passionately kissing my lips, leaving a lingering feeling. I stood from my chair and brushed him off. "Breee.." He whined in a baby voice.

"Newt we did that yesterday." I say firmly, but I give in and we retreat to our normal spot.


"NEWT!!" I cry from the homestead.

"What's wrong!" He races into the homestead with a worried look on his face.

I leap into his arms holding a stick with a positive symbol glowing in my hand,"I'm pregnant! Your going to be a father!"

"Oh my god! This is amazing!" Newt squeezed me into his string arms. Later that day newt had told all of the gladers, going on and on about he's going to be a father.


"We're getting out of here!" Newt yells and hugs me,"we found a way out, Bre. We're going home!"

"Oh my gosh!" I yell and hug him, tears stinging my eyes. "When are we leaving?"

"Now. Thomas's and Minho are waiting for us." Newt grabs my hand and pulls me towards the walls, where Thomas and the rest of the gang wait.

"Let's go!" Thomas yells and we all start running through the maze, turning this way and that, until we get to a small narrow path.

"Newt-" I breath heavily, bending over and putting my hands on my knees.

"Love, are you alright?" He asks crouching down to look at me.

"The baby." I put my hand on my large stomach. "The baby- it's- coming." Newt springs into action and calls for Thomas and Minho, soon they come running to me, with water. When all of a sudden a giant griever jumped out of no where. I screamed and screamed, tears running down my face.

"Hold on love." Newt calmed and went straight into action mode, he grabbed his spear and began to fight the griever while Thomas and Minho were at my side picking me up and carrying me through the maze.

"NEWT!" I yell.

"BRE I LOVE YOU, NEVER FORGET THAT!" Newt yelled a forceful yell. Newts screams echoed around the walls, bouncing off them. He was gone.

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