Drawings // TBS imagine

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

It started out as a tatted drawing tapped to the front of my locker. Before long there were more than ten of them. Sketches of places; the library, the park, the beach... Etc... There were numbers as well, scrawled at the top left hand side of the paper. Numbers that ranged from; 14:00 to 11:38 to 18:55. Numbers that I never knew what it meant, until one after noon...

The school bell went for home time and I raced to my locker, there was an A4 piece of paper tapped to my locker. This had been the seventh one this week. I carefully pulled the paper from my locker only it to reveal a beautiful sketch of the cinemas down the street. But there's something unfamiliar about it. There's a girl standing there with a boy. The boy looks awfully familiar. He looks like my - fourth grade to now - crush; Thomas Sangster. I look closely at the girl. She looks like me.

I then look at the number; 15:35. I start wondering along the corridors until I make it outside. Form there I make my journey toward the cinema. I stand out side of it and look at my at my watch; 3:35 exactly.

"You came." Thomas came wondering out form the cinema with a smile on his face.

"Wait. Were you the one who's been leaving those drawing on my locker?" I ask with wide eyes. H smiled shyly and nods his head.

"But why?" I ask sheepishly.

"I wanted to- I wanted to tell you. That I love you." His face turns a bright shade of red and he looks at his feet.

"Thomas," I move toward him until our lips are only inches away,"I love you too." Then were kissing. It's a beautiful and strong kiss. A kiss I've always imagined. The kiss I've always imagined.

"Come on let's watch a movie." Thomas says after we pull away for breath.

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