Pregnant // TBS imagine

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

I sat on the cold bathroom floor, shaking nervously. I looked at the long narrow purple stick with the glowing yellow positive sign at one of the ends of it. Fear rushed around inside of me and my stomach churned. My face fell and my heart jumped out of my body.

What if Thomas doesn't want the child. What if he leaves me, and I will be stuck with this baby. I thought to myself feeling anxious and worried.

I leaned over the toilet seat and threw up. Letting all of my lunch and breakfast drain out of me and into the white toilet bowl.

"Y/N?" Thomas knocked on the door.

"Just a minute." I replied back and quickly got off from the tiled floor. I fixed myself together and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I opened the door and walked out.

"What's wrong?" Thomas grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close to him. I clutched the long purple stick tightly in my hand. "Hey?" He looked at me but I didn't dare make eye contact with him.

"Tom.. We have to talk." I said slowly and cautiously before getting loose out of his grip. I made my way over to our bed and sat down. Thomas followed me with a worked and confused expression plastered on his face.

I pulled my arm out to him and sat the stick in his hand. He looked at his hand and then back at me.

"I'm pregnant Tom." I said almost as a whisper.

"I-I," Thomas's expression changed "I'M GONNA BE A DAD!!" He yelled and swept me off my feet. He spun me around the room. My body rushed with happiness. I giggled as he sat me down on our bed.

"I thought you would be angry and you wouldn't want this baby." I said.

"No way! I want this baby more than anything! I'm so happy Y/N. I love you so much!" Thomas kissed me.

"I love you too Tom." I replied softly back.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now