Birthday surprise - for Aunalea // Thomas Sangster

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Thomas Sangster Imagine:
Thomas's POV (point of view)

Today is Aunalea's birthday and I want to surprise her. I decorated our apartment with her favourite flowers and candles. The different types of scents travelled around our apartment. I quickly stuck the little letter onto the coffee table near the front door and placed some more rose petals down onto the floor.

Aunalea is coming home at 6:00pm from work. It was already 5:55pm so I quickly ran into the kitchen and sat at our romantic dinner table that I made look restaurant quality. I placed the last touches to the food and stood there patiently.


Aunalea's POV (point of view)

After a hard day of work I got out of my car and walked up towards the front door. I pulled open the door and was greeted by a mixture of romanising smells. I shut the door behind me and put my bag down on the small wooden coffee table. I stood there with a confused expression on my face. There was a small letter with my name on it. I picked it up and opened it, it read:

Follow the rose petals, love.

- Thomas x

I giggled and started walking around the apartment following the long trail of red rose petals. Candles were lit and placed around our apartment. There were multi coloured flowers and petals spread around the house. And all of my favourites.

I stopped and looked where the rose petals lead me. I pushed open the kitchen door and standing there was the love of my life. I smiled and walked to him.

"Happy birthday love." He chuckled.

"This is beautiful Tom!" I pulled him into a hug and pecked his lips.

"Not as nearly beautiful as you." He smiled. "Aunalea Wilson." He pulled away from the hug and crouched down on one knee, Thomas pulled a small box from his pocket and opened it up. It revealed a beautiful diamond ring. "Will you do me the honour of being my wife?" He looked up at me and tears trickled down from my cheeks.

I looked into his mystified brown eyes and he looked into mine.

I nodded enthusiastically before talking.

"Yes! Yes! One million yeses!" I screamed and jumped into his arms. He slid the ring onto my finger and I crashed my lips to his. We kissed in sync and I couldn't have been any more happier.

"I love you so much!" Thomas said between kisses.

"But I love you more tommy!" I replied.

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