Faint - for kaityln // thomas sangster imagine

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

Today I am on my little shopping spree. I get to buy anything and everything. I love it really.

I wondered around Forever 21 for a while, searching for the right top that would go good with my olive green pants, that is at home.

My hands swept and moved along the racks. Picking up items and holding it in the air while I examine it. Then putting it back and going to another rack. I walked towards another rack, while flipping through my twitter tweets on my phone.

Then one tweet really caught my eye.

'Clothes shopping is very hard, when you don't have a female accomplish to help.' Thomas Sangster tweeted that. Awww if I saw him I would help him. And kiss him. And hug him. And kidnap him. Nah jokes. I am in love with Thomas!

"Smack." I hit something and fell straight to the floor. Luckily I landed on my butt.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." A very familiar voice spoke.

"No it's fine. It was my fault." I sighed and got up. I looked up at the young, tall, dirty blonde haired guy that stood right before me. Thomas Sangster. The actual Thomas Sangster that I have had a crush on ever since I watched love actually.

"No it was my fault. I'm really sorry. What's your name?" He apologised again.

"Ugh, erm... Ahh.. Kai- Kait-Kaityln." Then my vision began to go blurry. I fell to the floor with a thud and the darkness over took me.


I woke up with a pain that buzzed in my head. My mouth was dry. I rubbed my eyes and examined the room. I was in the hospital. I followed my eyes around until it met a certain someone asleep next to my bed. Thomas.

My heart started to race and I felt tense all of a sudden. I took deep breaths and told myself to calm down.

Thomas moaned and stretched as he sat up and opened his eyes.

"Your awake." He said in a groggy tone and walked from his chair to me and sat in the chair beside me. His eyes looked bloodshot red and puffy. Like he's been crying.

I nodded.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Oh, ah. No. No I'm not. First I nearly kill you and then my girlfriend, ex- girlfriend broke up with me. So yeah, I'm not really feeling that great." He sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"I'm so sorry. For everything that I have caused." I covered my face with my hands and rolled over to the other side so I couldn't see him.

"It's not your fault. It was mine." His voice was laced with true kindness and honesty.

"No it's mine. I'm sorry, if I can do anything to help just let me know." I removed my hands from my face and traced the bed linen with my finger.

"Well... There is one thing, that I have been wanting to do from the moment I accidentally knocked you over." He trailed off.

"Like?" I rolled over and looked at him. He had a cute smirk playing at his face.

"To kiss you." He smiled widely causing me to blush. I nodded and sat up.

He leaned into me and our lips collided. Mixed emotions were sent running through my body.


Hey guys! I will be updating sometime tomorrow if possible. Also it's my birthday in 2 days and I'm so excited! Lol :)

QOTD: What is your favourite band?

MA: either The Beatles, arctic monkeys or the neighbourhood! <3

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now