Movie love - Thomas Sangster imagine

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Chapter 1

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping. I groaned and I rolled over to my side and tired to find the source of the beeping noise, I couldn't be bothered opening my eyes. I threw my hand over to my bedside table and felt around for my alarm clock. I found it and clicked the button for it to stop.

I rolled back over onto my back and relaxed once again. Wait! Oh my gosh! TODAY IS THE DAY! TODAY IS THE DAY WHEN WE START THE SCORCH TRIALS! OH MY GOSH! I shot up out of bed. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and began to text my best friend Kaya; who is in The maze runner and in the scorch trails. In the scorch trials I play Brenda and Kaya plays Teresa. We have been best friends forever! By forever I mean going back to the prehistoric times of when we couldn't talk, walk and had to wear nappies.


Kaya is super hot:
IKR OMFG! THIS IS GONNA BE AMAZING! I CAN'T WAIT! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)))))))))))

Ok, your probably wondering why Kaya's contact is set as 'Kaya is super hot' well she challenged me to not talk for 18 hours and to ring up Thomas Sangster. But I failed and the punishment was to buy her lunch and set my screen saver as Thomas Sangster and change Kaya's contact name to 'Kaya is super hot'.

I jumped out of bed and shoved my phone into my pyjama pants. I ran into Kaya's room and jumped onto her bed. Kaya and I share an apartment and have been living with each other for a long time.

"KY TODAYS THE DAY! WHAT AM I GONNA WEAR?!" I screamed and Kaya came running out of her bathroom.

"TODAYS THE DAY YOU WILL FINALLY SEE THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE, THOMAS BRODIE SANGSTER AGAIN!" Kaya squealed and started cracking up into fits of laughter.

"HAHAHA YOUR SO FUNNY KY! YOUR THE FUNNIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!" I said that with as much sarcasm as possible, then I threw a pillow at her which made her laugh even harder.

"Ok shut up! Now what are we going to wear?" I huffed and stood up from her bed.

"Well we are going to be staying at a resort near the set and beach, but we won't be aloud on set and we won't be filming until 3 weeks from now. So wear something cute and beachy. Like shorts or something" Kaya walked into my room and went through my wardrobe. She pulled out my clothes and threw them onto my bed.

"Ok, let me see" she looked threw my clothes until she stopped and held up a pair of denim shorts. Then pulled out a tank top with black written across it.

"Wear this, this will look really cute with your burgundy coloured vans and your black side bag, with those metal spike things that I got you for Christmas" she stood up from the floor and put all my clothes back in my wardrobe.

"Ok, thanks Ky! You have the best fashion senses" I hugged her and took the clothes out of her hands. I put them onto my bed. She walked out of my room and I walked into the bathroom. I took off my pyjamas and I turned on the shower and stepped into it. I washed my face and my body then turned off the shower.


I slipped on my clothes and put on my vans. I took out my hair and put it in a high pony tail. I put on my black studded earrings and my turquoise choker. I put my black sunnies on my head and slung my bag over my shoulder. I applied foundation, liquid eyeliner, burgundy lipstick and a burgundy shade of blush. I sprayed my Katy Perry perfume and then I grabbed my phone, car keys, wallet and makeup and put it into my bag.

I grabbed my suit cases and pillows that were wanting at my door. I carried them down stairs and threw them into the boot of my car. I ran back up stairs and walked into Kaya's room who was putting on her neon pink vans.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked and sat beside her.

"Nearly" she huffed and stood up. She walked over to her makeup area and started applying her makeup. She was wearing denim shorts and a stripped neon pink and white tank top. Her hair was in a braid and she had a little bow in it.

"Well I will take your bags to the car" I walked to her bags and carried them down stairs.

"Thank you!" Kaya yelled from upstairs and I giggled.

I carried her bags to the car and shoved them in the boot. I opened the drivers car door and sat down. I started the engine and kaya came running out with her small handbag. She locked the door behind her and jumped into the passenger seat.

"Ok are you ready?" I yelled in an excited voice.

"Sure am!" Kaya squealed and buckled herself up. I started up the engine and drove out of the driveway.


We have been travelling in the car for 3 hours now.

"Y/N can you turn on the music!" Kaya didn't wait for an answer she just turned on the music. The music started booming around the car.

Kaya and I sang and danced all the way.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now