Newt imagines - Chapter one

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Chapter one

Natalie's POV

I am the only girl in the glade and I guess I took it as a privilege. I have lived in the glade for less then a year, and all the guys still keep harassing me about going on dates or dating them. But there was only one guy I like and that was Newt. Now if you don't know who Newt is I can tell you he is my friend. He is tall and slim, he has dirty blonde hair and these eyes. These eyes that he has are full of love and kindness. I'm in love with him but I have only told my best friends Thomas, Minho and Chuck. you could say I'm the mother of this place. I am a med- jack a med- jack is someone who helps people feel better or fixes someone up if they were injured. I guess we are like doctors, I work with two funny and kind guys named clint and Jeff. I sometimes help Frypan around the kitchen doing the cooking. I love my job. I don't really know what I look like but I got told from most of the guys that I have brown hair and light brown eyes. They said that I was tan and quite tall, I was slim but with a few curves but beautiful. Of course I didn't believe them about the beautiful part but I still really wanted to see what I looked like.

I was sitting in the homestead drawing and writing in my diary when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in" I yelled from across the room. Alby, Thomas, Minho, Newt, Gally, Frypan and chuck stood at the door way with smirks and grins. I quickly put down my pencil and closed the slightly dirty, small notebook that I was writing and doodling in down on my lap. "Hey guys what's happening?" I showed concern in my voice. They looked at me with blank faces. Until Alby spoke up "so Nat we know that you are the only girl in the glade and you have been so kind to every single glader here and well for how appreciative that we are towards you we made you something". "C'mon we have something to show you love" Newt said in his British accent that made me all giddy inside. I quickly grabbed my small notebook and stuffed it in to my pocket before Thomas and Newt walked over to me and linked my arms with theirs. I felt Newts and Thomas' muscly biceps push onto my thin arms. Newt and Thomas leaded me out of the homestead and lead the way over to the start of the forest with Alby, Minho, Gally, Frypan, Chuck and some of the other gladers following. "Ok Nat, close your eyes" Thomas said as we kept walking. Then I heard "Ok open" from Thomas. Thomas and Newt both released my arms and I flicked my eyes open.

"It's not much but at least you won't have to sleep next to shucking sweaty teenage boys" Gally replied and chuckled. Tears started to form and salty water started to run down my cheeks. "Oh my gosh you guys! Thank you so much, you don't know what this means!" I yelled and and ran to the boys, I gave each one a hug and kiss on the cheek. "So do you want to check out your new home greenie?" Gally questioned you and you nodded a yes in excitement. You walked up the wooden stairs leading to a small house. Minho leaded the way, "so this here is your drawing and book room cause we all know how you like to draw and read" Minho pointed to small room with a large desk and chair sitting in the corner of it. It had large canvases and paintbrushes, paper, books and other drawing supplies. "Oh my gosh, wait how did you guys know?" I was full of excitement but confused at how they knew I like to draw and read. "Argh, well. Hmm we kinda found your little diary thing" Frypan rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at the floor.

Wait oh my gosh! I wrote who I liked in there and all of this stuff about Newt and how I loved the way he smiled and how I loved how when he was thinking really hard his eyebrows would furrow. "Wait did you read it? And if so who read it?" Oh my gosh I was freaking out, what if Newt read it and now he thinks I'm a complete freak. "Don't worry Natalie only Frypan, Minho, Chuck and well Newt know about it" Thomas said in an eerie voice. Shuck! He read it, great me life is over! "Great!" I put as much anger and sarcasm into that one word as possible. Then Minho chuckled and I pushed him playfully. As we kept walking he pointed to two other rooms, my bed room which was giant! And a guest bedroom. We walked out side but I stood in the door way thanking everybody once again. "So Nat?" Chuck asked. "Yeah chuck" I said in return. "Could I maybe you know sleep over, but I will sleep over in the other room?" He said as he played with his fingers. "Sure can" I gave him a wink and started laughing. "What about me?" Newt smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. I giggled, before saying "well if your a good boy then perhaps". The other boys stared saying:
"I'm a good boy"
"What about me"
"I will help you sleep unless you don't want to sleep"
"Can I sleep over"
I laughed then Ably yelled that's enough, then all the other guys stopped talking and sighed and moaned. "I'm sorry boys but Nat only wants me" Minho winked and walked up the stairs and tried to get into my small shack of a house, and I laughed and pushed him away playfully. "Sorry captain sassy pants but I don't think so" I giggled. "Well it was worth a try" he walked back down the stairs and back towards the group of boys surrounding my house.

"Bye guys" I waved to them and they all waved back. Minho blew me a kiss and I just started bursting into laughter. Thomas quickly jumped up and swung his hand into the air trying to catch Minho's kiss, he caught it and then put it in his pocket. (Tominho I so ship it!😂😏💕) Thomas gave me a wink then followed Minho. Newt walked up to me slowly before hugging me and pressing his warm lips upon my ear "Ok well have fun settling in to your new home, also love there is a surprise in your closet. Wear it tonight and meet me in the deadheads in an hour" he gently whispered in my ear. He kissed my cheek sending goosebumps rush onto my skin then he walked off. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! He kissed me on the cheek oh my gosh! I ran inside and shut the door I was so excited. I ran to my room and opened up the closet. The closet was full of clothes, there were two beautiful dresses a midnight blue laced dress and a white slim dress that was very tight. There were many ranges of tops, shorts, pants, jumpers, undergarments and the weirdest thing. Bikinis. What in the world? Oh well! I gave a slight chuckle to yourself and took out the blue dress and placed it onto the plain white, king sized bed. They must have asked wicked for all of this stuff. Inlaid it flat on your bed only to notice a small sticky note reading:

I thought this would look great on you. Well everything looks great on you but this would be extra special. I have one more surprise for you, go into your drawing room and have a look in the drawers.
- Newt

Oh my gosh, he's so sweet! I walked over to the drawing room and looked in the drawers. Until i stumbled upon another sticky note attached to an old notebook. The sticky note read:

This is something I hope you like, because I know that it's not fair for me to be reading your diary. So I thought that you could read mine.
- Newt ;)

I peeled of the sticky note and stuck it on my desk. I carefully opened his notebook and had a read of the first couple of pages until my eyes stopped and my eyes started to go watery. I felt tears creeping upon my skin and i lowered the book from my eyes. My breathing started to get hard and I fell upon to the ground. What have a just read?

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