Kisses - for Divya // TBS

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

I walk around the carnival twisting my head this way and that. Thomas was meant to meet me at the carousel but he never showed up. Where could he be? That's when I'm pulled into two strong arms, my heart races and I swivel around to see the owner to the arms. And of course they are my boyfriends; Thomas's.

"Where were you?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"I was getting you this." He pulled out from behind his back a largely stuffed bear with s pink ribbon.

"It's adorable," I say taking it from his hands. "Thank you." I kiss his cheek. Thomas looks at me with raised brows, so I kiss him on his lips lightly.

"Come on." He wiggles his eyebrows and I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately.

"Happy?" I smirk.

"VERY!" He yells in excitement and kisses me again.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now