Hurt // Thomas Sangster imagine

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

"I'm so sorry Y/N but we need to break up." Thomas said over the phone to her.

"What do you mean? I don't understand, I thought you loved me." Y/N stuttered as she tried to get the words out. Tears consumed her eyes and ran down her face.

"I do love you, but your better off without me. I'm doing this for you. I'm doing this for us." His voice broke and tears drained out of him.

"I don't get it! What are you doing for us, for me. I don't want you to do this, I don't want you to leave. I love you! Thomas please don't!" More tears ran down her face, the anger and sadness she once felt had come back and crawled all the way back into her body.

"Please Y/N, please. Just try to understand. I love you, goodbye." He hung up.

Y/N jumped into her bed and the tears escalated from just sniffles to now; full on sobs.

"I rather be in a world without him then be in a world with him and I not together." She mumbled in her pillow. She dug her head deeper and deeper into her pillow cursing and cussing at how ugly she was; which she thought that that was the reason he broke up with her.

"We have been dating for 14 months and he said he loved me! I don't get it." She screamed into the pillow.

"Y/N, honey what's wrong?" Y/N's mum came running into her room. she sat beside her and pulled her into a hug.

"He's gone. Mum. He's gone." She cried on her mothers shoulder.

"What do you mean he's gone?" She asked and stroked her hair.

"He broke up with me." She barley got the words out.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Y/N." Her mother kissed her head and squeezed her tightly. Y/N cried harder into her mothers shoulder.



2 weeks later

"Y/N hasn't ate a proper meal in 2 weeks. What are we going to do? She hasn't even smiled once. Normally she smiles all the time! She hasn't even come out of her room!She barely talks anymore and I'm worried about her! Why did he even break up with her? I know how much he loves her." Y/N's mother yelled at her husband.

"She will be fine. It's just some stupid boy that she will get over eventually." Her father sighed.

"No, she won't be fine. She loves him! Don't you see that? Your daughter loves Thomas with all her heart!" Her mum screamed in defence at Y/N's father.

"She's only 19 she doesn't know the hint of love and what it bloody is!" He yelled at her then stormed out of their living room.


Y/N laid in bed staring blankly at the wall.

'I can't live without him. I just can't. And if I can't be with him then what's the point of living. I can't do this anymore. I just can't.' Y/N thought to herself. She came to a conclusion and got out of bed. She walked to her window and looked out of it, she looked at the gloomy city that was behind murky clouds. It was daylight; 11:30am but it looked like the sun was going down; 4:30pm.

She stood there thinking for a minute.

Y/N got her little diary - that she writes all of her thoughts and things - out and sat at her desk. She picked up her pen and began to write.

She wrote her thoughts.

She wrote her feelings.

She wrote her apologies.

She wrote a list of what she wants to give and let her friends and family have when she's gone.

She wrote anything she could think of.

She wrote about Thomas.

She wrote for Thomas.


Y/N put her pen down into her diary and kissed the page.

She slipped off her shoes.

She took off her jacket and set it down on her bed.

She looked at herself in the mirror for the last time. 'No wonder he left me, I'm too ugly. Look at me, I look like a monster. I have ugly eyes; but Thomas said he loved my eyes and that they were full of love and kindness. I have a weird nose; Thomas always said that it was cute. I have lips that look like a folded love heart; Thomas always said it was one of my best features. I am fat, look at my curves; Thomas always would say that I'm beautiful just the way I am. Well he lied and I can't do it.' A tear ran down her face but she wiped it away with the back of her hand.

She walked towards the window once again and opened it.

Y/N looked out at the city. That was one of the things she's going to miss.

She stepped out of the window and sat on the window sill. It was a long drop; probably 30 storeys high. She let her legs dangle off the side of the window will as she sat there still.

She took one last breath and let go.

Her trembling body now flying down through the sky, rocketing down to the ground.


Yes there is going to be a second part!

To be honest I kinda cried while writing it.... lol :)

QOTD: What is your favourite chapter of this book?

MA: To be honest I think it would be the first ever one I created "Alleyways". What about you guys?

Love you all xx
- Nat

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