Movie love - Thomas Sangster imagine

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Chapter 9

I flickered my eyes open and a smell so mouthwatering woofed through my nostrils. I rubbed my eyes and checked the bedside clock that read 9:47am. I stretched all of my limbs and muscles and then got out of bed.

I walked down stairs and followed where the scent was coming from. I followed it all the way to the dinning area. Will, Dylan, Ki and Kaya were there. Kaya put a plate of pancakes down on the table.

"Oh hey Y/N/N I was just about to call you for breakfast." She smiled and handed me a plate.

I smiled and took a seat at the table. "Hey where's Tom?" I asked Will.

"He's asleep still." Will shrugged and plopped another pancake on his plate.

"I'll go wake him." Dylan shot out of his chair and ran up stairs to Thomas' room.

I laughed and served myself. "Wow Kaya did you make all of this?" I asked and took a mouthful of yogurt and fresh raspberries.

"Yeah... Totes!" She giggled and sat beside me.

"No, she called room service!" Ki hong yelled and nodded.

"Oh Ki! She wouldn't have believed me anyway. She knows how I can't cook..." Kaya looked at me with a remember-that-time look on her face.

"Oh yeah, I remember the time when you tried to make me a birthday dinner but instead gave me salmonella food poising and I was throwing up at like 2 in the morning, and sick for 3 days. Oh and the time you tried to make liv and I breakfast but instead set our kitchen on fire. Or the time you wanted to help make cupcakes for the children in the hospital with me and you nearly killed at least 7 kids because they were allergic to what ever you put in the mixture. Or the time you tried to bake-" I got cut off from Kaya.

"Yep, I think that they get it!" She sighed and the Ki was laughing hysterically but Will tried to shut him up.

"Sorry." I said with apologetic eyes.

"It's ok, but what about that time I cooked for your parents anniversary and they threw up on each other! Funniest thing ever!" Kaya started laughing and I joined in.

"That was so funny!" I yelled.

"Mmm something smells good." thomas called from upstairs and trotted his way towards us. His hair was all messed as usual.

"Tis food." Ki said in his best British accent. Dylan chuckled and sat in his seat.

"Good morning." he said with a smile and kissed my lips.

"Morning." I smiled and kissed back, when we pulled away Will, Dylan and Ki had wide eyes staring at us and Kaya wasn't shocked she smirked and winked. Thomas sat next to me and I handed him a plate.

"What- when- are- huh?" Dylan stuttered.

"OH MY GOSH ARE YOU GUYS A THING NOW?" Will yelled with amazement on his face. Thomas and I laughed and nodded.

Will immediately turned to Kaya and smiled.

"And you 2 are a thing?" Ki raised his eyebrows and looked at Will and Kaya. They both nodded and started laughing.

"Wowwwww." Was all Dylan managed to say.

"Great the hottest girl is dating him!" Ki Hong sighed.

"Naww I'm sorry Ki but Will is just amazing, sweet, kind, very hot-" Kaya started but was cut of from Ki.

"No I mean Y/N!" He smirked.

"Ki shut up you'll never get with her!" Kaya snapped and death glared him.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now