I love you - for Talani // Newt Imagine

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Newt Imagine:

I pulled out the weeds from underneath the veggie patch that we grow our own food. The glade isn't the best place to grow crops because it's too hot and we hardly get rain. I pushed my long dirty blonde hair out of my face and began digging out the weeds.

"Hey Talani, go have a break!" Alby came up to me and patted me on the shoulder.

"Thank you!" I smiled hand wiped the sweat that was beading across my forehead.

"Oh and Newt wanted me to give you this." He smirked and pulled out a small crinkled note.

"Thanks." I smiled and took it from his hand. Then Alby walked away. I looked at it with a questioning look on my face and shrugged it off. I unfolded the note and began to read the neatly written words. It read:

Meet me near the deadheads in an hour.
Also don't eat anything, you'll spoil the surprise.

Love Newt x

'I wonder why he wants me to meet him there.' I thought. I shrugged and walked towards frypan.

"There's my favourite girl!" Frypan yelled from behind his pots and pans and tackled me in a hug.

"Hey Fry." I giggled.

"So what can I do for you?" He let go of me and began mixing things in his pot.

"Because you love me so, so much has Newt said anything to you?" I looked at him with raised brows.

"No....." He slowly replied.

"Hmm ok. Thanks any way Fry." I waved and walked away.

I walked towards a large tree and decided to take a little sleep.


I woke up to someone poking me.

"Wake up Tal!" It was Thomas and he had a smirk on his face.

"Whattttttttt!" I yelled and furrowed my brows.

"Follow me." He chuckled.

"Do I have to?" I whined and he nodded. "argh, fine." I sighed and got up.

I followed Thomas into the deadheads.

"Why are we here?" I asked and looked at him.

"Cause Newt said to meet you here and your late!" Thomas chuckled.

"Oh, I totally forgot about that." I sighed and face palmed myself in the forehead.

"It's ok." He chuckled again.

He lead me towards a tree. I looked up it and there was a ladder. Thomas motioned me to climb up it.

"Bye, have fun." He smirked and walked away. I sighed and climbed up the ridged wooden ladder. It was the treehouse that Newt and I built together.

I got to the top and was I greeted by my boyfriend, Newt. He stood there with a smirk on his face.

"Hello love." He chuckled.

"Sorry I'm late... I kinda fell asleep." I giggled and he pulled me into a hug.

"It's ok Talani." He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"So why couldn't I eat?" I asked as he let go of me.

He smiled widely and pointed to a cute dinner set up. There was a blanket and some dinner laid out.

"This is so sweet! Oh Newt. I love you so much!" I jumped into his arms again and kissed his lips.

"I love you too Tal." He kissed me back.

"Hey who made this food anyway?" I asked and looked up at him.

"Frypan and Gally." He chuckled and I giggled. He looked into my aqua blue eyes and kissed me again. "Talani, I can't live without you and I rather die if I can't be with you. I just love you so much and can't loose you." He mumbled.

"Newt! I love you so much too and you won't loose me. I will be here forever by your side." I kissed him back and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I snaked my arms around his neck. I tangled my fingers through his soft blonde hair. And for the rest of the night we enjoyed each others company, told each other stories and ate.

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