Movie love - Thomas Sangster imagine

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Chapter 2

"Hey ky, I'm hungry!" I complained.

"Same! Can we go to maccas (McDonald's)?" Kaya whined.

"Yes! That sounds great!" I yelled.

"Yayyyy! Were off to maccas, maccas of the Big Mac!" Kaya sang and we both bursted out into laughter.


"Yes hello, could I please get 2 chicken nugget happy meals with 2 cokes." I spoke in the McDonald's drive through speaker.

"Is that it for today?" The lady through the speaker asked.

"No, could I please get 2 chocolate sundaes and 2 boxes of those little cookies please." I got out my purse and pulled out a $50 dollar note.

"Is that all for today?" She asked once again.

"Yes, thank you."

"Ok, could you please drive on, to the next window." She replied. I did as told and drove to the next window.

"Hello, that would be... Oh my gosh! Your Y/FN (your full name) and Kaya Scodelario!" She covered her mouth with her hands.

"Aha, yeah." Kaya and I giggled.

"Oh my gosh, sorry umm that is $28.00." She tried to go back to being professional.

I handed her my $50 dollar note. She took it and gave me my change back.

"I'm so sorry, but do you mind taking a selfie on my phone?" Before I could answer she handed me her phone.

"Sure" I took it and Kaya and I took a couple of selfies.

"Thank you so much! Could you please drive to the next window?" she smiled.

"Ok" I smiled back and drove to the next window.


"Hello, here is your order- Oh my gosh! No way! Y/N and Kaya! Wow!" He yelled and jumped up and down.

Kaya and I giggled and nodded.

"Could you please sign my phone?" He handed me his phone and a permanent marker.

"Sure" I took his phone and signed the back of his neon blue iPhone 6 case. I handed it to Kaya so she could sign it and she did. Then we took a few selfies on his phone and I gave it back to him.

"Thank you so much, I am like your biggest fans! Oh my gosh, and heres you order!" He gave us our food and drinks.

"No problem and thanks, bye!" I took our order and drove off.

"Well that was random!" Kaya giggled.

"Tell me about it!" I giggled as well.


After eating our food we went for a toilet stop.


"Ok let's get back on the road!" Kaya yelled and she jumped in the car.

"Ok, anyway we still have an other hour or so. So in the meantime we can discuss about Thomas" Kaya smirked and buckled her seat belt up.

"Shut up Kaya!" I playfully nudged her and then we were off on the highway again.


"When we get there, we get 3 weeks off before we start shooting. So I was thinking that we should have some fun!" Kaya squealed and pulled out a long list of what to do.

"Ok.... Like what?" I asked without facing her.

"Well, we should hire a party bus! So whenever we go out we will have enough room for everyone to fit in." Kaya held up her phone to me. I quickly glanced at the picture of a pink, fury mini bus that could fit no more than 10 people. Then I put my eyes back on the road.

"Sounds good." I said.


Kaya continued to tell me her ideas and things that we could do. She rang up Will, Ki Hong, Dylan and Thomas about her ideas. They all agreed.

"Ok so they all agreed, we will arrive at the hotel at about 11:30am then we will get settled in. Then the party bus will pick us up at 12:30pm and take us out to lunch. After lunch we are going to the beach, so the party bus will pick us up at 1:30pm. Then the party bus will pick us up and take us back to the hotel at about 4:30pm. Then it will pick us up at 6:00pm and take us out to dinner. So that's our plans for today!" Kaya clapped her hands together.

"Sounds fun!" I giggled.


I parked the car in the car parking.

"Oh my gosh! Y/N we are here!" Kaya squealed and smiled very widely. Which got me thinking 'wouldn't that hurt, like wouldn't her face hurt from smiling that much?'.

I snapped out of my ridiculous thoughts and said "Yay! I know!". We got out of the car and grabbed all of our luggage. I locked the car then we walked towards the lobby, only to find four boys talking to the receptionist.

"Well, well, well who have we here?" Kaya gave a smug look and the boys turned around.

"Kaya! Y/N!" Will, Ki Hong, Dylan and Thomas said in sync and walked towards us.

"Hey!" Kaya hugged Will. Then greeted the rest of the boys.

"Hey Y/N, babe!" Dylan hugged me.

"Hello Dylan" I smiled.

"Hello there beautiful!" Ki Hong smirked and hugged me.

"Hey Ki hong" I rolled my eyes and hugged back.

"Hey I thought I was beautiful!" Dylan pretended to fake cry and then Ki Hong hugged Dylan and said "you are so beautiful your are way prettier then Y/N!" Then Minho faced me and mouthed "no you are damn sexy!" And I rolled my eyes.

"Y/N!!" Will hugged the life out of me and spun me around.

"Hey Will!" I giggled. He put me down then Thomas came up to me.

"Aha, hey." He said in a nervous tone.

"Hey..." I trailed off. I wanted to hug him so badly but it would be just awkward, from our last talk... It was horrible.

So I told you about how Kaya challenged me to not talk for 18 hours, well she didn't tell me what I had to do if I lost. She made me loose on purpose, let's just say it included me winning a fake lottery and I had to say my name and all this stuff... Anyway of course I spoke but then I had to face the consequences. I had to ring up Thomas and say all of this stuff to him, like how I love him and how his eyes sparkle and all of this crap. But after i said all of that stuff I explained everything and how I had too.

Then I also had to change Kaya's contact to: Kaya is super hot and had to change my wall paper on my phone to Thomas. But because I'm smart I quickly changed it this morning, so now it's just of Kaya and I when we were little and we were dressed up as princesses. Kaya was dressed up as Cinderella and I was dressed up as Snow White. And then I changed her ID to just Kaya. So problems solved... Well kinda.

"So shall we go?" Ki Hong's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah", "yep", "ok" they all agreed. We walked back to the receptionist and we got our room keys.

"Ok so Kaya and Y/N since you guys are ladies, you can pick your rooms first." Dylan said in a slick voice.

"YAYYYYY!" Kaya squealed. I giggled and nodded.

We stacked all of our bags on top of a luggage cart and pushed it into the elevator. We all got inside the elevator and Will pressed our floor number, which was the penthouse. The elevator went up then stopped at our floor.

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