Movie love - Thomas Sangster imagine

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Chapter 3

We all got out of the elevator and Dylan unlocked the front door to our room. We all walked in.

"Wow this is amazing!" Ki Hong yelled.

"Woah! Man this is awesome!" Dylan squealed like a maniac.

"This is SOOOOOO COOLLLLL!" Kaya screamed.

"It really is!" I giggled. The entrance room, know as the common room was huge. It had a giant entrance area that had a huge feature wall and at the bottom of it was a fire place. It had a massive, grand couch and book shelf; already filled with books. The view was amazing! It overlooked the beautiful beach and waves.

All of the scenery was perfect, you could see kids playing and splashing amongst the waves. People swimming and making sand castles and all of the blues and whites in the crystal clear water. You could see all of the toned muscular guys wearing their swimmers and playing volley ball. Or the slim, pretty girls sun baking and getting all of the stares from the guys. Gosh I wished I had a body like theirs!

There was also a balcony that connected to the glass panel doors. There was a couple of black leather chairs outside on the balcony. It was beautiful.

"This is AWESOME!!!! I WANT TO LIVE HERE!" Will screamed and jumped up and down like a little girl that just won a stuffed unicorn.

"Look at the view and the landscape, it's monomial! I would truly love to live here!" Thomas stepped out onto the balcony.

"That makes 2 of us!" I sighed and followed behind him, I stood at least 1 metre away from him, which got me a nudge and eye roll from Kaya. The others followed and we all stood there gazing at the beautiful, clear water. The summer breeze flowing through my hair. Pushing my pony tail to the left and to the right. I took a deep breath in and let all of my problems drain away. It all just slipped through me, as if I had no care in the world anymore.

I followed the waves with my eyes and watched them crash along the shoreline and the horizontal line of rocks. The smell of the salty air thickened within my nostrils. I really do love the beach. I have always loved the beach. I loved coming to the beach as a child with my parents and my younger sister.

My sister and I are very close and when we were young we always use to build sand castles. And pretended we were mermaid princesses and pretended that we had mermaid prince boyfriends. (Guys this is true, like not even joking.... My sister and I were really weird when we were kids, and our little brother was always Nemo or our best friend that was a fish and we were mermaids....). We would explore the rock pools and the sea life.

When ever we found a starfish sitting in the sand, either dead or alive we would draw a box around it. Olivia and I would always draw a box around it in the sand because our grandmother told us a story, about how if you draw a square around a starfish that it would protect it and you. And it will also never forget the person that drew a square around it. Of course Olivia and I believed her, but the weird thing is, is that we still do it to this very day. I guess it's because we want the tradition to live. Kaya thinks it's weird but I think it's sweet.

I really miss my grandmother, she passed away last year and I haven't gotten over it yet. She was a special women, that Liv and I loved. She was one of our biggest role models, she was always there for us. She was the one who made us believe in things and believe in our dreams.

She always said "good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient and the best things come to those who don't give up" that was her exact words when ever Liv or I questioned ourselves and abilities to do anything. If it wasn't for her, I would never be an actress. I would never have gotten through primary school or middle school. I would have died without her. I'm serious, I was on the verge of doing it, but she showed me the way and with Kaya and Liv by my side I made it through and look at me now. But I miss her! I really, really miss her more than anything!

Tears started forming in the corners of my eyes, I blinked them away and turned and faced another direction. So the others couldn't see.

"Ok, well let's go and choose our rooms!" Dylan shouted and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"YAYYYYY!" Kaya sprinted back inside and waited for the rest of the gang. They all walked inside but I stayed out there just for a little bit longer. Thinking of my grandmother really hurt and sent a jolt of pain into my heart. I just need a quick breather.

I took a deep breath in and out. Then I walked back inside with a smile on my face.

"Ok so Ky and Y/N/N (your nickname) you guys get 5 minutes to find your bedroom, when you find it, all you have to do is sit on the bed and wait till us boys pick our rooms." Ki Hong announced.

"Ok, but why do we have to sit on our beds and wait for you lot?" Kaya asked.

"Because otherwise if your not on the bed, then we can still get the bedroom." An evil smirk played at Dylan's face.

"Ok, sounds fair. How many bedrooms are in here?" I asked.

"In total there is 5 bedrooms, so one person has to share with someone else!" Will sighed.

"Ok, well I'm happy to share." Thomas said.

"Yeah, well not for long." Dylan sniggered.

"Ok, let's start," Ki Hong took out his phone and put on a timer set for 5 minutes "ok girls you get 5 minutes and then after that's finished the boys are coming out to play!"

"Ok" Kaya and I laughed.

"May the best girl win!" Kaya took out her hand and I shacked it.

"May the best girl win." I said slower and repeated what Kaya had said.

"On your marks!" Dylan and Ki Hong said in sync.

"Get set!" Thomas yelled.

"GO!" Will yelled and Ki Hong started the timer.

What do you guys think? Please comment your opinions and feed back would be lovely. I am open to anything you guys have to say!

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now