party // for oliva - by gemzisnotcool

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I half ran through the bustling airport, I had checked in and was trying to get to the security line up, which included pushing my way through a human barrier it seemed. Why was it so full anyway? I bent my neck trying to see above the mass of people. In the middle of this flood of humans were a small group of people, surrounded by reporters cameras and screaming teenagers. Mostly girls.
Well that was bloody great, the day of my flight to Philadelphia for the most important shoot in my career happened to be the day a load of actors showed up. I couldn't help but notice one of them. I recognised him as Thomas Brodie Sangster. A head of honey blonde hair, chocolate eyes, candy-floss lips and a seemingly perfect face with a jawline I could cut myself on. I remember him coming in for a shoot once. He was hella cute. Ok snap out of it Olivia, you're probably never going to see him again I thought to myself as I attempted to push my way through the crowd to security. On the way someone asked for my autograph, which surprised me a bit as not many people recognised me. I was going to dive further into this sea of fans when I heard heavy footsteps approaching me.
"Miss Olivia? I'm here to see you through security." Came a voice from behind me. Oh thank god it was a guy from the industry.
"Thanks, what's all the fuss?" I asked as I took his arm, letting him take me through the crowd.
"Cast of a movie are going off to film it, big deal apparently." He replied nonchalantly. The crowd was parting for us now. I guess the muscular build and the black suit make for an intimidating look. I kept my eyes in front of me, but couldn't help but smile when I heard someone whisper my name to a friend. With the help of my escort, James, I got through security without a problem. I boarded the plane and bid him farewell, walking down to find my seat. The industry had gotten me a business class seat for the nine hour flight from London to Philadelphia. The flight attendants looked very flustered and quite stressed.
"Why all the fuss?" I asked skeptically.
"Oh well this plane is packed with celebrities. I mean there's you and then there's the cast of this future movie coming aboard. We're all a bit panicked." Those actors were coming on this plane. Joy. Well this would be interesting.
"Oh I see. Well I'm no one special really, you don't have to fuss too much over me. And you do your job marvellously, so there's no reason to stress." I smiled at her. She smiled back and hurried off to escort a confused flyer.
I made myself as comfortable as I could in my seat, pulling out The Maze Runner from my bag and starting to read. My cousin had recommended it to me, and they had good taste. It was a pretty good book too, something to keep me occupied for the flight. Suddenly I heard some commotion at the front of the plane. I looked up to see the group of actors boarding. And they were coming toward my row. Just my luck, I thought as I bent my head into my book, trying to go unnoticed. My plan failed as I heard a British accent next to me.
"Afternoon love, thought I would introduce myself. I'm Thomas." You tried to keep my cheeks from turning red. Thomas Sangster, the Thomas Sangster, was talking to me.
"Oh hi, I'm Olivia." I smiled at him, attempting to keep my voice level.
"Olivia Y/L/N? I've seen you model before! Came down to the studio and passed your set. You're really good."
"Oh yeah I remember, thanks." I replied, any effort to hide my blush now forgotten. It turned out they were going to make a movie adaptation of The Maze Runner, he was playing Newt. He was also staying at the same hotel as I was, with the rest of the cast. We exchanged numbers and he asked me to join him and meet the cast at the welcome party the evening we got in. I accepted his offer and we talked some more, until I decided to try and get some sleep. I pulled up the blind separating our compartments and lay down, turning my chair into a bed, and closing my eyes.
I slowly opened my eyes, rubbing the sleep off as I sat up, running my fingers through my (your hair length/colour) hair. The moving map on the screen told me there were about three hours left until we landed. Enough time to get some quality reading in, I thought as I picked up my book from the floor and started reading. I had gotten through a few chapters when I heard the blind coming down, I smiled inwardly and turned around, to be greeted by Thomas's cute grin, the one where his eyebrows scrunched together. Ok you need to stop thinking like that, I told myself as he greeted me.
"Sleep well?" He asked casually, his hair was sticking out at odd angles, but yet he still managed to look gorgeous.
"As well as you can on a plane." I joked,   grinning as he laughed.
"Olivia, I was wondering if you might want to join me for dinner sometime?" He asked out of the blue, catching me by surprise. This earned a chorus of"ooouhs" and whistles from the rest of the cast. Thomas gave them a death stare and rolled his eyes as I giggled nervously.
"I- eeuuh sure I'd love to Thomas! And please call me Liv." I replied, blushing.
"Ok, call me Tom then." He smirked at me, making me blush even more. The stewardesses spent the entire time fussing around us, making sure we were as comfortable as possible, asking us if we wanted anything every five minutes. It made me feel honoured, I'd never been treated specially before.
"So what brings you to Philly?" Tom asked me, his accent music in my ears.
"Oh, I have a really important shoot there, one of the most important in my career. I'm doing a few catwalk pictures and an ad. It's gonna be interesting." I explained, trying to keep my voice level.
"That's great! Well I hope it goes well for you." He said smiling. I smiled back. The rest of the plane ride was relatively dull. I talked with Tom for a bit and then they served us breakfast, which consisted of a scone, jam and clotted cream, orange juice, a yoghurt and a cup of tea. I introduced myself to the other members of the cast, and talked with Kaya for a while, she was the only girl in the movie, and was glad there was going to be another female around. I was on first name basis with a lot of the cast by the time the plane landed. I packed up my things and left the airplane behind Thomas, bracing myself for yet another sea of people. And there was. Screaming fangirls crowded the airport, making it exceedingly difficult to walk through. Some security guards eventually came and helped us out of the building where  we were immediately whisked into a limo and away to the hotel. Thankfully there was no crowd when we arrived, the hotel looked relatively nice, tall blue building with long glass windows, details painted on the walls in white. We were shown to our rooms, I was even on the same floor as the cast. This was gonna be fun. I thought to myself as I plopped myself down on the bed, jet lag catching up with me. There was a note on my bedside table from the modelling industry, thanking me for coming and explaining what I was going to do in more detail. On one side of the bed was a bag of gifts from them. I decided to unpack, normally I didn't bother but I was staying here for a while and I had nothing better to do. I hauled my suitcases onto my bed, I was pretty sure they weighed more than I did. I had to bring quite a few of the ridiculous items I would be modelling at the various shoots. Dresses, lingerie, the most outrageous shoes you can imagine and much more, was poured out onto my bed. Once I had sorted through all the clothes for the shoot, I tucked my case away atop one of the cupboards and opened the other, which contained my clothes. I hadn't brought too much: a few pairs of jeans and shorts, some t shirts, dresses, way too many shoes (oops). The last things I took out were a small box and a dress. The dress was knee length with a petticoat to puff out the skirt. It was a creamy golem colour and made of pure silk. The sleeves stopped at the elbow, made entirely of black sheer fabric with patterns in velvet. Similar patterns went down the chest of the dress and spread onto the skirt from the black silk sash on the waist. The material under the petticoat was the same colour as the dress. It had been a gift from my grandmother to my mother, since she passed away I valued it over most things. In the box were earrings meant to pair with the dress. They are small diamond studs. I smoothed out the fragile garment before placing it in the cupboard. The party I had been invited to by Thomas wasn't for a few hours, and Kaya had told me she would come and get ready with me, so I decided to take a shower, to try and wake up a bit. I let the water heat up and stepped in, relishing in the warmth. Washing the grime from my body and hair I thought more about tonight's party. I had always liked Thomas since the day he came into the studio, his confidence on the catwalk had astounded me, and he was so polite and nice to everyone. And he was gorgeous. But it was pointless, he was so famous, all the girls were throwing themselves at him. There was no way I could ever compete with that. So I'd given up hope on it ever happening, but  due to our current situation, a small flicker of hope lingered in my mind, one that I couldn't put out. I stepped out of the shower and dried off, quickly pulling on some sweats and waiting for Kaya. Just as I sat down I heard a knock on the door and smiled, I went to open it and Kaya rushed in with a selection of dresses, shoes and makeup.
"You seem quite exited about tonight." I joked as she laid out her clothes on my bed. She laughed and grinned at me.
"I've always loved getting dressed up." She replied, "Do you have anything in mind or do you want me to pick something out for you?"
"Why don't you pick something out for me and I'll do the same for you." I proposed.
"Ok!" She replied before diving into my cupboard. I laughed to myself before looking through the things she had brought. A certain outfit caught my attention. A strapless midnight blue dress. The bodice was covered in sparkles, and was skin tight, stopping at the lower thigh. Around the waist was a train of translucent fabric, same colour as the dress, it split at the waist, forming an oval shape that fell past the knee. On the side was a small blue flower. Paired with some black heels this would look gorgeous on her, I thought, picking it up and rummaging through her shoes. Once I had found a pair I turned to face Kaya, who had taken out my mother's dress and some black stilettos. I nodded at her and we both got changed, I went to the bathroom. I had just slipped on my shoes when I heard a knock on the door, I opened it and I'm pretty sure my face mirrored Kaya's. She looked stunning, the dress hugged her form perfectly, and the colour matched with her hair and accentuated her pale skin.
"You look beautiful!" We both said at the same time, before laughing at the coincidence.
"Why don't we do our own makeup? I'm terrible at doing other people's." Kaya suggested, I nodded my head and we set to work. After my usual foundation, concealer, contouring and blush, I opted for a black smokey eye, and painted my waterline with black eyeliner. Covering my eyelashes in mascara, I put a candy floss pink lipstick on my lips, slipped on my earrings and walked out. Kaya had done something similar, except her eyeshadow was dark blue and her lips were slightly more pigmented. She had curled her hair let it fall down her back; I had braided it loosely, letting some hair fall across my face like bangs. We nodded at each other, smiling, before taking our purses and heading down to the party.
"You seem nervous, you ok?" Kaya asked as we waited for the elevator to arrive.
"It's nothing. Just that Thomas asked me here and I don't know what that means and-" before I could finish she cut me off.
"Liv, he invited you here, you look stunning, you're one of the sweetest people I've ever met. You go for it, ok? I'm sure it'll be just fine." She finished, looking straight at me, her eyes full of compassion.
"I- ok. Thank you." I managed, a little awestruck by her little speech. She simply smiled back as if nothin had happened and waltzed into the elevator, her dark brown hair bobbing behind her. I follower her in, taking deep breaths, relaxing my tense body. As I watched the screen count down the numbers I repeated what Kaya had said to myself, breathing deeply. Soon the doors opened and we were thrust into the chaos of the party. I looked over at Kaya, who simply nodded and walked with me through the crowd. We eventually found the guys and I bit my lip at their reaction. After a few of the most awkward moments in my life Thomas finally spoke.
"You look stunning love." He smiled nervously.
"Thank you, not too shabby yourself." I smirked, looking him up and down. He was wearing a black suit, the jacket and top buttons of his shirt undone. It was a very good look on him.
"Care to dance with me?" He asked, hand outstretched.
"It would be my pleasure." I replied, slowly putting my hand in his and letting him lead me to the floor. I hoped he couldn't see the blush that had risen to my cheeks as he put his hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him.
"I want to tell you something." He whispered to me, his breath sending shivers down my spine.
"Go ahead." I replied nervously, using every ounce of self control not to just kiss him.
"I really like you, like more than friends, and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my gir-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his. Sparks- no fireworks went off in my stomach the moment our lips touched. I tangled my hand in his hair as he put his hands on my neck and lower waist. We pulled away, and I smiled nervously at him.
"So I'm guessing you'll take me up on that request?" He asked, smirking.
"Yes, I will. However did you find out?" I replied, grinning back at him. He responded by pulling me closer to him, bending down and whispering:
"Well you made it fairly obvious." And trailing kissing from my lips to my neck. We spent the rest of the evening together: dancing, taking, kissing, even drinking, which was a surprise to me as I tried to stay away from anything alcoholic when I was working. It was the best night I'd had in ages, and I felt a pang of sadness when we said goodbye in the doorway of my room. I got myself ready for bed, being sure my dress was neatly hung up in my cupboard. I lay in bed and decide to check Twitter before I slept, and Thomas had sent me something, it read: "oliviatheglader  goodnight love, miss you already😘❤️" I smiled at his sweetness and responded: "Goodnight, thank you for the wonderful evening ❤️" Putting my phone down to charge, I stretched before collapsing on my bed.
I woke up to the drilling of my alarm, today was the first day of the shoot, we were aiming on getting all the photos in today, and maybe starting on the catwalk rehearsals. I quickly showered and got dressed, packing all the things I was modelling into a small case. Stuffing my phone and room keys into my small shoulder bag I walked out of my room to the lobby, where someone was waiting for me. He escorted me to a black car that was parked outside, I thanked him and stepped in, taking my phone from my bag and texting Thomas.
Me: Hey sorry I couldn't see you this morning I had to hurry to my shoot, see you later?
He responded in a heartbeat.
Thomas: No it's ok love I understand, text me when you get back yeah?
Me: Sure thing, gonna miss you today.
Thomas: So will I love, anyhow I have to go, bye ❤️
Me: Bye Tom ❤️
I smiled at my screen, before putting my phone away and staring absentmindedly out the window.
Before I knew it we were there and I was whisked away to a dressing room, where makeup artists were waiting for me. After what seemed like forever I was allowed to stand and change into the lingerie that had been laid out for me. I took a deep breath and walked out onto the set, and became the puppet of the directors.
After what seemed like an eternity, I was able to go back and remove my makeup. The shoot had gone very well, we managed to get all the pictures for the lingerie done, even had time to start on the dresses. I changed back into the sweats and runners I wore coming here, and bid farewell to the workers, before getting in the car and heading back to the hotel. The first thing I did upon arrival was text Tom that I was back, he told me he had another hour and that he would see me in my room. We texted back and forth for awhile before he was needed on set. I decided to take a nap, I was exhausted from the shoot. I didn't even bother changing, I just fell on my bed.
I woke up not long after, only to realise my phone had been buzzing the entire time, I picked it up and it was all Twitter. Curious, I went to see what could possibly be happening, and what I saw broke me. Seemingly all the tweets were to me, and all of them were from Thomas's fans. Saying I wasn't good enough for him and he deserved better.
"You filthy little wh*re He doesn't deserve someone like you! Go die!"
"Thomas could do so much better than a fake ass b*tch like you! Why don't you go hide behind your makeup and stay away from him?"
"I bet you're only dating coz he's famous, don't even try to use him to get famous you b*tch!"
"Go die!"
"Go f*** yourself, kill yourself for all
I care!"
"I bet you don't even look like the posters, you and your ugly fake self stay away from Thomas, he deserves better than the likes of you!"
The list went on and on until I couldn't cope any longer. I threw my phone across the room and curled up into a ball, sobbing. This was like reliving high school.
I shakily walked to the bathroom, my eyes blurry with tears, and grabbed a spare razor. I broke off the plastic with my shoe and picked up the three silvery blades. Slowly picking one up I brought it to my wrist, and dug it into my skin. It took a while before I managed to draw blood, but once I had figured out a technique I went at it, watching as the warm red liquid pooled on my wrist and on the small white towel I had brought with me from the bathroom. I didn't care anymore, in that moment I wanted to die. I stood up, blood still flowing from the cuts on my wrists and walked back to the bathroom, opening a small container of pills. I poured the contents of the container down my throat, hoping that it would be enough to do me in. The last thing I remembered was someone screaming my name, then the world went black.
When I woke up I was surrounded by white. Blinking a few times I realised I was in hospital. As soon as I sat up Kaya came bursting through the door.
"Oh my god Liv we were so worried, Tom came into your room and found you half dead on the floor! Are you ok? Please tell me you won't ever do that again, please. Thomas has hardly left your side. After he saw what happened on Twitter he was furious, and got his fans to back off, rather rudely, and apparently they all shut up and are now feeling rather guilty." She smiled at me, tears in her eyes.
"We all thought you weren't going to make it. Please never do that again, promise me." She said, taking my hand.
"I promise." I replied, squeezing her hand. Jut then Thomas ran in.
"Oh thank god you're ok! I thought I was going to lose you Liv! I'm so sorry if I'd have known I would have done something. I'm so f*cking glad you're ok. Promise me you won't do that again." He blurted out, tears running down his face.
"Hey, it's ok. I'm ok now, you're here, I'm with you. What happened wasn't your fault, there was nothing you could have done about it. I promise I will never do that ever again. It's ok now." I replied, taking his soft hand and running his palm with my thumb.
"You're the most talented, sweet, beautiful, caring person I know. Don't listen to what the haters say. You're beautiful and so long as you live I will never let anyone hurt you. I love you Liv, I love you so much."
"I love you too, and thank you, for everything." I replied before he crashed his lips onto mine. In that moment, everything was perfect. In that moment time stopped, and all that mattered was our love.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now