Stay with me - Thomas Sangster imagine - Part 2

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Your POV (point of view)

I sat on Thomas's lap for about 10 minutes bawling my eyes out. I took deep breaths in and calmed myself enough so that I could wipe the gel off and put my clothes back on.

"Y/N if you do the operation then you will live and there's a 97.99 percent of chance that the operation will work. So it's your decision, I will give you some time to think about it" Dr Greenly said in a calm but weary voice.

Y/N you have to be brave... You knew this was going to happen once in a while, and now that time is here and it's happening. Y/N you have to do the operation. For Thomas. Because you love Thomas. You love him with all your heart. With all your mind. With all your soul. Don't you Y/N. Yes you do.

I nodded a yes and I walked back over from the rack and towards where Thomas, buried his face in his hands and doctor Greenly writing down things on a piece of paper. I sat down next to Thomas and moved his wet hands from his face. "Hey... Hey, it's ok babe. We will get through this together, just like you said" I gently skimmed the back of my hand on the side of his muscular, detailed face. My stomach dropped at the sight of him and how he was feeling.

I whipped a few tears and looked into his crimson, puffy eyes. "I... I know.. It's just... It's just I don't want to loose you" his voice cracked and more tears slid down his soggy wet cheeks. His face was pale and all the bright colour that was once there this morning, had vanished.

"Hey. Your not going to loose me. Ok? I will still be here. And as the doctor said, I can have surgery and an operation. So it will be fine" I gave him a light, reassuring smile and kissed his trembling, frail lips.

"I love you so much Y/N and I don't want to live in any kind of world without you. Even if in one world they give me everything I want, I wouldn't take it because all I want is you" he sighed and put our foreheads together.

"I love you too tommy and I know, but when my time comes your going to have to live in that world and I want you to take everything. I want you to live a happy life, ok. Promise me you will move on and find another girl. Promise me you will settle down with her and have a beautiful family of your own. Promise me you will be happy and do fun activities. Promise me that you won't forget me" I whipped my cheeks not realising that I had been crying.

"The thing is, I'm not going to promise you anything. I'm not going to find another girl because I already have a beautiful one here right beside me, and I want to settle down and have a family with her. And we are going to do fun activities together and we will be happy. And trust me why would I forget her when we are going to grow old together and die old together" he whipped the tears that fell from my eyes and I saw tears starting to form in the corner of his chocolate, angelic eyes. He kissed me once more and I smiled after our lips broke apart.

I stood up and walked over to dr Greenly. "Doctor Greenly, I want to do the operation" I said straight out with no emotion what so ever in it. Dr Greenly's face hardened with a happy expression. And his lips edged into a smile.

"Great! Well I will give you medication you need to take and I will search for someone willing to sacrifice their heart for you. In the mean time you need to stay hydrated and take lots of fluids, also as weird as this may sound. Eat lots of citrus fruits, it will help a little bit with the heart rate" he handed me a prescription to some medication and a small orange vile, that was filled with white pills. (I don't even know if it actually helps.... Lol)

I nodded and took the things. "I will ring you when we find someone" he gave a smile then sat back at his desk and started filing paper work. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his firm body. "Thank you doctor! For everything" I smiled and Thomas got out of his seat and we walked out of the room.

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