Rehearsals // Thomas Sangster

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Thomas Sangster imagine

Your POV

I rehearse my school drama lines out loud to myself,"But Christophe, I love you." I repeat over and over in different voices to create more emphasis and make sure it was the biggest twist ever - sorta like when the girls found out who A was from pretty little liars.

"That time, was really good." Thomas pops out from nowhere and gives me this grin that all the girls on the school go nuts over.

"Argh thanks." I speak bedazzled by his smile. "Um so what are you doing here? I didn't think the library was your thing." I say slightly confused.

"It isn't. But I was looking for you." He replies shyly before pulling that signature grin.

I give him a doubtful side smile before asking,"and whys that?"

He comes close to me and I can feel his body heat burning my skin,"because I wanted to do this." He leans in and our lips collide, everything feels surreal. I pull away slowly and give him a face as to why he just did this. "I have liked you since 7th grade Y/N." I smiled brightly and we enlaced with one another. 

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now