Losing him // Thomas Sangster imagine

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Part 1

Thomas and I were always so close and inseparable. All the way through high school we were the bestest friends.

We did EVERYTHING together, and I mean EVERYTHING. We ate together; we would continuously go over each other's house for dinner or go out to restaurants. We slept together; we had lots of sleep overs together, but we would sleep in different beds in the same room. It didn't bother my parents that he was a boy, because they knew that he wouldn't hurt me or force me into anything and they trust and love him. And we talked together; we talked to each other every day. Whether it was a text or phone call or even in person, it didn't matter because we always talked. Until now.

That was the thing about being in a great friendship. But the thing was, I loved him; not as a friend but as an Ed Sheeran kind of love. Which in my case is inane and I was insanely in love with Thomas Sangster and I still am. But I've been to scared to tell him.

So now your wondering, what happened to Thomas and I? Well let me tell you.

After high school we got an apartment and started living together. I went to university and graduated, then I started getting into the role of writing books. Although I never succeeded to get a published book I kept writing and finally I have 4 books that has been published and sold world wide. Thomas got multiple roles for his acting career and movies. So he was normally gone and filming, which left me alone. I didn't mind it at first then I couldn't handle it, I missed him so much.

But now, because things have changed miraculously I've tried to move on.

Now, this brings me back to the start of the story. The part where I said we were the bestest friends. And it's true we were. It all took a wrong turn 3 months ago.

I laid in my bed staring blankly at the ceiling. Thomas has been gone for 4 weeks now and I've been so bored and lonely without his company. Then I got a buzz and my phone started ringing. I looked at my bedside table and saw Thomas's face pop up on my phone, while my ringtone: I will always love you - by Whitney Houston started playing.

I quickly grabbed my phone and clicked accept.

"Hey." I smiled through the phone.

"Hello, my little book queen." He chuckled.

So the only reason Thomas calls me his "little book queen" is because I always have my nose in a book. I'm always reading. Also the other explanation for why he calls me that is because of how I'm now a published author at now the age of 24.

"How is your movie going, Tommy?" I giggled and asked.

"Really well, the cast is lovely and you would love them. How's you writing going? Anymore new books?" He chuckled. "Hiiii!", "hey babe!", "little book queen? Get a room!", "shut up Ki he's talking to his mum!" A bunch of voices started talking. "GUYS SHUT UP IM TRYING TO TALK TO Y/N!" He yelled at the voices. "Sorry about that." He mumbled.

"It's fine, aha and it's going great actually. I've got a publishing contract with a couple of people and I am working with John Green on another book. So it's pretty exciting, although I don't start till next week." I replied.

"Wow! I'm so happy for you!" I could tell he was smiling.

"Thanks." I giggled.

"It's ok, also the reason I've rang you is I'm coming home tomorrow! And I want you to meet someone!" He chuckled.

"REALLY! FINALLY I'VE MISSED YOU! YAYYYYY!" I cheered and threw my fists up in the air.

"Aha, calm down love." He chuckled.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now