Poem // Newt Imagine

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Newt imagine:

"Tom today's Newt and I's 5 month anniversary and I don't know what to give him..." I said to my best friend Thomas.

"Give him YOU." He smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked with confusion.

"I mean, give him YOU. All he wants is to be with YOU so why don't you just give him YOU. If you want I will wrap you up in wrapping paper and put a little bow on your head." He smirked again and chuckled.

"Yeah... No." I shook my head.

"Well he likes to read right? Make him a poem or a story or some crap." Thomas chuckled.

"That's actually a great idea! Thank you Tom!" I yelled and hugged him. I ran back to the homestead and took my notebook and pen out from under my pillow on my hammock. I sat down in my hammock and began to write a poem about Newt.

Dear Newt,
Your so hot when you have no shirt on and even if you have a shirt on your still really hot. And Minho thinks the same!

'NO!' I screamed in my head.

Dearest Newt, baby, darling, honey,
I love you so much and thank you for not leaving me.

Love Y/N xx

'Nooooo!' I yelled in my head as I read my screwed up poem.

Dear Newt,
The maze walls are grey,
Frypans cooking is almost black,
I love you so so much,
Thank you for having my back.

Love Y/N x

'Ok that sucks!'

Dear Newt,

A kiss is just a kiss until you find the one you love,
A hug is just a hug until you find the one your always thinking of,
A dream is just a dream until it comes true,
Love was just a word that I didn't know until the day I met you,
I now know what love means and I'm truly in love with you.

Love your one and only, Y/N x

'BINGO! HOUSTON WE HAVE A WINNER!' I cheered in my head. (Bahaha I hope you get my little 'Houston we have a problem' joke!)


I slipped the piece of paper into my pocket and walked towards Newt. He was in the garden planting tomatoes.

"Newt." I walked up to him.

"Oh hey, love." He pecked my lips. "I'm kinda dirty right now, but if I wasn't I would hug you too. What's up?" He chuckled.

"That's ok. Well it's our 5 month anniversary and I wanted to give you this." I took the little bit of paper out of my pocket and handed it to him.

He wiped his dirty soil hands onto his pants and took the letter from me. He opened it carefully and began to read it.

"This is beautiful Y/N! Did you write this?" He asked and I nodded.

"I know it's not much but I hope you like it." I smiled.

"I love it it's perfect but all I want is you!" He chuckled and smiled. 'Thomas was right!' I giggled in my head. I smiled widely. "Oh and this is for you." He pulled out a small delicate bracelet from his pocket.

He took a hold of my wrist and slid the bracelet on.

"This is gorgeous Newt! did you make this?" I smiled.

"Yeah, well Minho and Thomas helped me a little bit. Like they asked WICKED for some wire and I found all of these little stone, gem things and yeah." He chuckled.

"It's perfect Newt!" I jumped into his arms. Our lips met, I tangled my fingers in his hair and his hands traveled along my waist.
I heard the boys start yelling and saying:
"That's so cute!"
"I need to fine myself a girlfriend!"
"That should be me!"
"Ewe get a room!"

I heard cheering and clapping and I pulled away to get a look of all the boys surrounding us. I giggled and kissed Newt again.

"I love you Newt!" I said in between kisses.

"I love you more Y/N!" He smirked.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now