Beach // Thomas Sangster imagine

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

My friends forced me into going to the beach with them, which I didn't want to go. I preferred to curl up in bed with a book. But of course they dragged me out of my house and bribed me - they said they would buy me an ice cream and lunch - to get into the car. But of course I took the deal. Who wouldn't? It's any ice cream I want and a free lunch on the side.

I sat on my towel in the shade with Paper Towns by John Green in my hands. I read the sentence I was on then looked up at my friends, Ella and Rosie who were talking up some hot surfer dudes. I laughed at the sight.

I looked back down to my book and began to read.

"Erm, excuse me," A voice startled me and I looked up. It was a tall, black haired guy. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but my friend Thomas has been looking at you for a long time and I think he likes you." He chuckled and I looked up at him with a confused face.

"Umm.... Ok." I nervously laughed.

"Yeah... Anyway, I'm Dylan." He reached his arm out to me and I shook it.

"Wait... Dylan O'Brien?" I looked at his hand.

"Aha, yeah." He chuckled. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Y-Y/N." I spat out and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Y/N," He smiled. "Hey I was wondering if you would like to come and hang out with the rest of the gang? And maybe meet Thomas!" He pouted and got down on his knees and begged.

"Umm.. Aha sure." I giggled and stood up. "Just let me tell my friends." I brushed the sand off my shorts.

"Ok, no problems." He smiled and got off from the sand. I nodded and walked towards Ella and Rosie.

"Hey, girls I'm gonna get going. I've gotta go and do some cleaning around my apartment." I made up an elaborate excuse and kinda lied to them. Because who wouldn't?! Like seriously?! It's Dylan O'brien!

They turned to me.

"Ok, no probs Y/N. We are gonna go to the movies with Jamie and Luke. Once your done, you can come if you want?" Ella giggled.

"Yeah." Rosie agreed.

"Agh, yeah I'll see how I go. Love ya girls." I hugged the both of them and waved to them as I walked away. They waved back and turned around back to Luke and Jamie, to continue their conversation.

I walked towards Dylan and picked up my towel, bag and book.

"Ok, are you ready?" He asked and I nodded. I followed Dylan down across the sand to a small shaded area. There was a girl in bright pink bikinis laying on a towel. Next to her was a shirtless guy playing on his phone.

"Hey, guys. This is Y/N." Dylan said and the guy turned around and looked at me, and so did the girl.

"Hi, I'm Will." He said.

"Hi, I'm Kaya and I love your top." The girl smiled.

"Thank you, I'm Y/N." I smiled back.

"Hey guys, where's Tom?" Dylan asked.

"Agh, I think he's with Ki Hong and Blake." Kaya replied and Will nodded.

"Ok, well lets go and meet the rest of the gang." Dylan chuckled and walked towards the water. I followed him.

I followed him to the shore line. There sat an Asian boy with black hair.

"Hey Ki, this is Y/N. Y/N, Ki Hong, Ki Hong Y/N." Dylan gestured to the guy and myself.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now