The BBQ - thomas sangster imagine

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

Your POV

"Mum do I have to go to this stupid BBQ?!" I groan and whine. My parents always makes me go to these sort of things, I recall the last time they made me go; it wasn't good. The hosts daughter - my enemy, aka the queen bitch, Grace - hacked my phone and texted all of my contacts saying hateful comments to them. I ended up cutting her hair with a butter knife. I've never been the one to get along with everyone.

"Yes Y/N and that's the end of this discussion, now go and put something lady like on," she puts on a cringed look and scrunches her nose as she looks at the outfit I am wearing; denim shorts and a band shirt. "Also Grace is going to be there so don't try anything."

As there's no need for me to keep arguing I give in and prance up to my room, slamming the door and putting on some rock music. The thing about my mum is that she always wants me to be different and more "girly", yet can't she see that I hate wearing dresses and can't stand the thought of fangirling over cute surfer boys. I'm the weirdo who likes rock music and is kickass at drawing and playing guitar. I shuffle towards my closet and throw on a plain white top and change into a pair of skinny jeans. Galloping down stairs with my earphones in my ears, and pepper spray in my bag; Grace better not try anything tonight or else.

Thomas's POV

"Mum what's the whole point of these anyway? I mean BBQ's? Why do Australians even celebrate these things?" I looked at my mother baffled.

"I'm not sure love." She says as she twists her hair in a ponytail. I'm not even sure why we moved to Australia. I guess my family just needed somewhere new to start fresh and not have to worry about my grandfathers passing. Mothers still down, she puts herself in pain by listening to the song he created and looking at old photographs at him. "Thomas, will you get ready?" She turns from the mirror and stares at me. I nod and sigh, walking into my room slipping a white plaid shirt over my head and some jeans.

Your POV

As my parents hand platters of food over to the hosts, Graces mother abruptly strides towards me and lays her hand on my shoulder,"Good evening Kate, Phil, Y/N," she shoots a look at me and does a warm grin. "Now, there won't be any muck ups tonight will there?" her eyes about to pop out of their sockets bore into mine. My dad nudges me and I shake my head. "Great," she smiles and trots away with my mum.

"Stupid cow." I mumble. My dad chuckles in agreement before an older man spots him and they begin to have a deep discussion about last nights cricket game. I make my way toward a seat and plump myself down.


10 minutes through reading, "The gracekeepers" and I get tapped on the shoulder. "What?" I look up, my father stands with a guy who owns giant brown eyes.

"Y/N, this is Thomas. He's new to the neighbour hood, so maybe you'd like to talk to him or something. Y/N don't break him." My father wonders away. My eyes meet Thomas's and for some reason they don't leave.
This is going to be a long night.


I hope you enjoyed the first part. The second will be published soonish!

QOTW: What is your favourite Band?

MA: The 1975 & The neighbourhood & The Beatles - sorry I can't choose! 😂

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