The BBQ, Part 2 - Thomas Sangster

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

Thomas's POV

She is beautiful. The way her eyes light up in the fluorescent outdoor lights. The way pieces of her hair fell down from her messy bun and tangled around her jaw. She is beautiful. I trace her parted lips with my eyes and sigh heavily at her beauty. A few freckles trail across her cheeks and noes. Her features subtle but bold. Her thick eyebrows and her long lashes, no mascara or makeup needed.

"Are you gonna keep staring at me or are you gonna talk?" She asks with furrowed brows.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Thomas, and you are?" I put out my hand.

Your POV

'HE HAS A BRITISH ACCENT!' was the only thing I could comprehend. My heart pattered crazily in my chest. What was this feeling? Why was I all nervous and self aware now? Why was I ranting on and on in my head how I should've wore something more cleaner and adequately comforting to those eyes who surround me? Why am I feeling this way? He's just a guy. His soft blonde hair waved over his forehead. His dark brown eyes and chiseled high cheek bones. His jaw edged to perfection. I wonder if I slide my finger against it, his jaw will slice my finger? As I dream off into space it goes unnoticed that the cute boy is talking to me.

I snap out of it and reply back,"Y/N". I stare at his hand contemplating whether to shake it out to high five it. I go with the second option, he stares at me confused and then grins before chuckling an "okay". I blush a vibrant red and look at my book, obviously embarrassed and confused as to why I did that.

"Erm, so how long have you lived in Australia?" I ask trying to say ft conversation.

"Two months now." He sits beside me. I feel his hot ora floating next to me.

"Cool. I've lived her my whole life." I sigh.

He gives me a look,"don't you like it here?" I shake my head in response."Why is that?"

"I want to be free, you know? I want to be my own person and not always have someone looking over my shoulder and telling me what I did wrong and for me to stop being such a young naïve girl. I want to live my own life and make my own decisions and mistakes. I just want to live and get away and arghh." I sigh resting my head in my hands.

I can feel Thomas staring at me,"do you want to go somewhere?" he abruptly burst out. I look up bewildered and nodded while smiling. He grabbed my hand and lead me out of the overly sized house. Our fingers intertwined my heart racing. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

Thomas's POV

We climb the stairs to the roof top. "Close your eyes." I whisper. She gives me a worried glance before closing her eyes, her hand in mine everything feels right, even though we've only just met. We get to the last row of stairs and I unlock the door before hustling her out onto the roof top. "Open." She does as she's told and flickers her eyes to an open. Her mouth drops and she stares out in the distance memorised. Gasps echo from her mouth,"you like?" I ask. She nods enthusiastically.

"It's beautiful." All of the flashing lights from the Melbourne city, the cool air biting our noses and necks leaving soft kisses and hickeys. The noiseless city, people roaming around like little ants silently minding their own business.

"I found this a little while ago. Ive come up here ever since, it's like my secret place where I can come to think and just watch the peacefulness of things." I stride toward her and stand directly next to her. I can smell her aroma, she smells of pine and vanilla. Y/N looks up at me with a dreamy smile. She clutches my hand and we both look out into the city, memorised by everything.

"Life is truly beautiful, Y/N and don't forget that."


hey guys!

I hope you enjoyed that! I have been getting a lot of messages from you lot asking about personal fan fictions etc etc, I'm sorry but I won't be writing any personal ones just yet. I just wanted to clear that up with all of you guys asking for imagines.

QOTD: if you could go somewhere right now and anywhere around the world where would you go?


love natalie x

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now