Concert // Thomas Sangster imagine

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

I slipped on a tied dyed Pink Floyd t- shirt and some high waisted denim shorts. I put on my pair of black Doc Martens. I slipped on my full gold finger ring, my stack of gold rings, my black and gold necklace and my black studded earrings.

I tied my hair up into a messy bun and applied my makeup; foundation, liquid eyeliner, mascara, blush, concealer and a large amount of my plum lipstick. I slung my bag over my shoulder and shoved my purse, car keys and house keys into it. I pulled out my phone and began to text my best friend.

Me: I'm ready! Whot time r u coming to pick me up? :/

A couple of seconds later.

Bec: I'm down the street so wait outside ur house :p

Me: kk also u can't text while ur driving Bec :))))))

Bec: oh well ;)

I giggled and turned off my phone, I raced down stairs and out the door. I locked the door and stood there waiting at my door. Rebecca and I are going to a Pink Floyd concert, I've loved them for a while and now that Becca has gotten into them and their music we decided to go to their concert.

Bec came swerving into my driveway with her silver jeep, I told her that I could drive us with my car but she insisted for her to drive.

I chuckled and walked towards her car and slid into the passenger seat and buckled myself up.

"Let's go my little rock baby!" Bec squealed as she turned on the CD of pink Floyd I got her last week. She turned up the volume and the music started booming around the car.

We both started singing the songs and dancing like maniacs.


"WE ARE HERE!" Bec yelled as she parked the car.

"OH MY GOSH! I CAN'T WAIT!" I squealed and jumped out of the car. She laughed and got out as well.


We handed the man our tickets and walked into the large human infested crowd. People were talking, screaming, jumping and yelling everywhere. I followed Bec towards the front stage because our seats were there. We ran towards our seat and sat down. I whipped out my phone and we began taking selfies and photos.

"I CAN'T WAIT AH MY GAWD!!!!!" Bec screamed and jumped up and down in her seat. I giggled and she giggled as well. People started making there way to the seats down our row.

"Sorry, excuse me but do you know where 117 is?" A beautiful British accent asked. I looked up and met eyes with a tall, blonde haired, attractive British guy.

"Umm I'm 116... so your next to me." I smiled and he nodded. He sat down beside me.

"Thank you very much. My names Thomas and I love your shirt!" He reached out his hand to me and chuckled.

"No problems, I'm Y/N and thank you. I also love your shirt too." I giggled and shook his hand. He was wearing a black shirt with Pink Floyd scrawled across the front in big gold writing.

"Aha why thank you." He chuckled.


After talking to Thomas and getting to know him more the band started playing and Bec, Thomas and I were dancing and jumping around. We were all screaming and singing the songs.


"Tonight was AMAZING!!" Bec yelled as we walked back to the car. It was about 11:30pm. I agreed and opened the car door.

"Y/N!" I heard someone yell. I snapped my head to the direction of the voice and a tall figure jogged it's way over to me. It was Thomas.

"Hey." I waved and leaned against the car.

"Hey, ah I was just wondering if I could maybe get your number?" He chuckled and stared at the ground.

"Sure. But, only if I get yours." I smiled widely and pulled out my phone. He nodded energetically and typed his number into my phone. He handed me his phone and I typed my number into it.

"I'll call you tomorrow?" He asked.

"Sure." I smiled and he nodded. He walked away 10 steps until he jogged his way back over to me and kissed my cheek.

"Tomorrow." He smiled and walked away. I held my cheek and got into the car.


"SHUT UP!" I chuckled and she giggled.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now