Hurting - for Maria // TBS

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

I fiddle with opening my front door to my small cosy apartment, but the keys won't budge. I jiggle it around until I hear a slight chuckled from behind me, I whirl around and come face to face with Evan; my ex-boyfriend.

"What are you doing here?" I ask my hands getting clammy and my heart now racing a hundred miles per second. I broke up with Evan because he was the type of boyfriend that scared me. I mean he could be sweet and all but if he didn't get his way he would throw a tantrum and yell. He cheated on me with seven other girls and that's when I had it.

"Oh Maria, baby. Come ere'." Evan slurred and stumbled towards me.

"Are you drunk?" I ask narrowing my eyes, the dim street light illuminating his face.


I sighed and shook my head, this is normally like him, to get drunk,"Go away Evan or I will call the police." I threatened.

"Really?" He smirked,"And what are they gonna do? They gonna lock me in jail?"

My legs started shaking and I slowly slid my hand into my jacket pocket fumbling with my phone. In the corner of my eye I could see Thomas's phone number so I quickly pressed it. Thomas is my boyfriend and right now he is at the bar across the road with a couple of his friends form work.

"Go away Evan! Now! Get away from my house and me!" I yelled.

"Nah." Evan shook his head and took s step toward me. I leaned against the front door my heart pounding.

As Evan got closer and closer to me I saw a tall figure running across the road toward me. It was Thomas. Evan wrapped his arms around my waist going lower and lower, I stood their helpless. Just when Thomas ran straight at Evan and punched him square in the jaw. Evan tilted his head back then punched Thomas in the stomach. They started punching and hitting each other, until Thomas knocked Evan to the ground. Thomas wiped the trail of blood from his lip then pulled me into a hug.

"Are you alright love?" He asked in his thick British accent.

"I am now." I smiled and Thomas pulled me into a long kiss.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now