New love - Thomas Sangster story. (New story)

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Chapter one

I got out of my car and walked over to where my boyfriend Will works, it was about 7:00pm. It was our anniversary - we had been together for 2 years now - and I wanted to surprise him, by making a special dinner and take it to him in his office. He was always home late but I got use to it. I held a picnic basket in one hand and in the other was his anniversary present I got for him. I walked into the main entrance of his work, Grace was the lady at the office desk - a girl I knew from gym. "Do you mind if I go and surprise Will? It's our 2 year anniversary" I gave a smile and asked politely. "Aww how cute and sure! Go for it, also happy anniversary!" She smiled right back.

As I walked down the hall past all of the other offices I came to a stop at Will's. His door was partly open as I pushed the door slightly open I saw something disturbing! It made me go into shock, it made me want to break down and cry, it made me want to scream and yell. As I stood at the door breathless, I couldn't speak, tears swelled up into my eyes.

Will was kissing another girl. I dropped the picnic basket and suddenly Will broke the kiss off and snapped his head up at me. I had tears streaming down my fragile face.
"Y/N it's not what it looks like... Please" he said as if he didn't even care.
I threw the gift at him and ran off crying. He didn't even follow or chase after me. He just sighed and probably kept kissing that blonde monster. I ran back to my car, I didn't want to look back. Then I drove out of that horrid place and back to the apartment that we share - well shared. I unlocked the front door and stumbled into the apartment. Salty water gushing down my cheeks, I ran into the room we shared and grabbed all of my stuff. I packed it all up and away, with bags in my hands I ran out of there. I didn't know where to go, I was sad, alone and angry. I pulled out my phone and decided to ring up my best friend Thomas or Tom for short. I dialled his number and the phone started to ring.
"Hey Y/N" He said in a quiet murmur like he just woke up from sleeping.
I couldn't talk because I kept crying. Although he heard my sniffles.
"Are you ok Y/N? What's wrong? What happened?" He asked me all of these questions.
"Can.. Can I stay at your house....for a while..?" I stuttered.
"Yes, yes come over, when you come tell me what happened" he said in a soft voice.
"O..ok... " I spat out.
I hanged up and walked over to my car. I felt a buzz vibrate in my hand, I looked at my messages. It was from Will.

I'm really sorry Y/N I didn't mean to make you that upset. It's just I love Sahara and I have for a while it's just I don't want you to feel sad. I'm am really sorry! I hope we can still be friends? ;)
- Will

- Y/N

Look I'm sorry! Ok and don't call her that! I really really am sorry!
- Will

- Y/N

I got so angry, my bloodmstarted to boil. "Y/N calm down, breath in and out" I took deep breaths and chucked my stuff in my car. I got in and started the engine. I drove to Tom's house, and when I got there I scrambled my way up the steps leading to his mansion. He was an actor and all so he was rich. I knocked on the door and less then 10 seconds a tall, dirty blonde haired boy came to the door. I instantly fell on him, but he caught me. I gave him a huge hug, he hugged back and I kept my head on his chest. He tangled his fingers in my hair. I started sobbing again, the tears trickled out of my puffy eyes staining his bare chest with water. "Shhh, hey it's ok. Come on let's go inside now and talk to me about it" he quietly said to me and gently carried me to this couch. He placed me firmly on there. He sat down next to me and I told him everything.

****** (after I was done telling him what happened)
"That idiot didn't deserve you! He is a retard, don't worry! You will find someone better then him like this guy I kno....." He said with aggression then stopped himself at the last sentence. "Oh really, like who." I said with a smirk. "Ummm.... Maybe me" he replied and looked down at the carpet blushing. Tom and I have been friends ever since kindergarten, I liked him wait actually I loved him all the way through kindergarten till year 12. But I knew he didn't like me back so I just tried to move on and just be friends. But then did I only realise that I still loved him. He was the one guy who actually cared about me. Like the time I got called fat by a couple of girls and I ran to the toilets crying, then Thomas came in and sat with me in one of the cubicles. My heart still ached for him. I leaned over and gave Thomas a peck on the cheek. "Well actually I have found someone better and that guy is you, but I just don't know if that guy feels the same way about me" I nervously say while looking down at tom who is blushing so hard.
"Y/N I need to get something off my chest, I don't know if you have noticed but I like you, well actually I don't like you. I love you. I have ever since I laid my eyes on you. I knew that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. But I tried to stop loving you because you were with Will, but your not anymore so..." He looked up at me, he whipped my tear with his thumb. I didn't even realise that i was crying, lol. Our eyes connected and I couldn't stop staring. "Tom ever since I saw you i l... Loved you. But you were dating all of these girls, and all these girls kept flirting and hanging around you and well... I guess I got jealous, so I tried to stop loving you. But it was hard, when ever I saw you I would feel sparks go off in my stomach. I tried to ignore you and avoid you because it killed me every day knowing that you were dating some one else. Or that I knew that you didn't like me in that way or the fact that I knew we would never be together" I let out tears but whipped them with the back of my hand.
"That's exactly how I felt. Like you and those other guys it killed me watching you with those jerks. But Y/N I love you!" He said and gave me a smile. "Tom I love you too" I smiled back and with that we leaned into each other and kissed. The whole world was a blur and the only thing that mattered was that moment. Fire works were going off in my belly. As we slowly pulled away he looked into my eyes and held my hands. "Hey do you want to go see a movie." His lovely British accent echoed in my head. "I'd love to" he pulled me up from the lounge. "But do you mind if I have a shower and get cleaned up?" I asked politely. "Sure, and I was thinking would you.. You know wanna be my girl friend?" He looked at the ground and shuffled his feet around. "Haha oh your such a dork, but yes!" I gave him a giant kiss on the cheek and walked up stairs to the showers. I was so excited, I love him! "Hey tom" I called from up stairs. Tom ran up stairs to me and in to the bathroom. I didn't even notice he was there, and I was half naked. "Crap" I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. Tom gave a chuckle and smirked until he said "well we are dating now" he laughed I laughed as well. "Any way do you mind if I stay here for a while till I look for a place of my own?" I asked as I turned on the shower. "No, I want you to stay with me, move in with me?" He smiled. I smiled back. "That would be great" I ran up and gave him a hug. "Ok now I'm gonna have a shower" I said as I pushed him playfully out of the door, then gave him a quick peck on the noes. He smiled and walked out of the bathroom.

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