More than friends - for Amythyst // TBS

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

I sat on the couch drawing nervously waiting for Thomas to get home. Thomas is my best friend, we have been best friends since preschool. We bought an apartment and now we live together just the two of us. I have always had feelings for him more-than-a-friend kind of feelings. I've never told him, but I feel that it's right to tell him today.

"Amythyst! I'm home!" Thomas called out.

"In here." I yelled back.

Thomas came strutting in and sat beside me, "What are you drawing?"

"I'm not sure, I wanted to draw a horse but it came out looking like a those half human, half horse things from Narnia." I chuckled at how unbelievably stupid I was. Thomas joined in.

"I like it." He smiled widely and pushed a strand of my dark brown hair from my face.

"Tom, I've been meaning to tell you something," I said as all the laughter began to die down, "Ilikeyouwelliloveyouandiunderstandifyoudontlikemeeithee."

"What?" He chuckled.

"I like you Thomas, I like you a lot well actually no. I love you, I always have. From the moment I laid my eyes on you. And I understand if you don't like me like that-" I got cut off by Thomas's lips on mine.

He slowly pulled away, "Do you know how long I've been wanting to do that? Ever since I met you. I love you Amythyst! I always have, i was just scared if I told you you wouldn't like me back." Thomas leaned in and kissed me again. Sparks flew around my stomach.

"I love you too." I mumbled between kisses.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now