Run - For Catherine // TBS

2.6K 76 4

Thomas Sangster imagine:

I pulled my long golden blonde hair up into a pony tail. I slipped on some Nikes and ran out the door. My heart beating faster and faster. I've always loved running, it just makes me feel so happy. I ran along my normal track, my feet thumping on the footpath.


I landed on my butt, my knees scraping the concrete. I jolted up and looked at what knocked me over. A man, he was groaning and laying on t footpath.

"Oh my gosh," I ran over to him and crouched beside him,"Thomas?" His face came into vision. Thomas is my boyfriend of 2 years.

"Hey Catherine." He groaned as he sat up.

"I'm so sorry," I helped him up,"What are you doing here anyway, I thought you were at work."

"I finished early and I was going to bring you some lunch," he chuckled,"My car is just there." he pointed to his silver 4WD that sat parked on the side of the road.

"Aww my prince, ok, well we might as well go together now then." I giggled

"Only for a kiss my princess," he teased.

I stepped toward him,"A kiss." I kissed him gently.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now