Fight delay - Thomas Sangster

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Flight delay

"I will see you soon babe, I'm only going for 1 day. I promised my dad that I will be at my sisters birthday party" I hugged Thomas tightly. "I know, it's just I'm going to miss you" he released from the hug and put our foreheads together. "I love you so much Y/N" our lips connected and it was so passionate. He put his arms around my waist and I snaked my arms around his neck. I slowly pulled away for breath. "I know Tom, I love you so much too Mr Sangster" I teased. "Oh Mrs Sangster" Thomas pulled me back into a hug. "Hey were not married yet, you only proposed yesterday" I smirked and put my head in his neck. "I know, I know" he kissed my head.

"Babe I've gotta go, my flight is about to leave" I kissed him for the last time and picked up my bags. "Ok love, I will ring you tonight" he smiled and waved to me as I walked away. "Ok babe talk to you later" I gave him a small wave and blew him a kiss, he smiled and waved back and I walked to the boarding lines.

Thomas's POV

I waved good bye to Y/N and then left. I drove back home and decided to clean the house and surprise Y/N when she gets home. I start cleaning up our room and make our bed. I know how much she loves chocolate covered strawberries, so I decided to make them. I pulled out the strawberries from the fridge and chocolate. I melted the chocolate then dipped the strawberries in the chocolate. I put them on a plate then put them in the fridge.

I put a couple of her favourite DVD's out on the coffee table. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. The news came on straight away. I was shocked. The news reporter said that virgin airways had crashed. That was the plane Y/N was on....

"OH MY GOD! NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! NO" I screamed and yelled at the TV. Tears started streaming down my face. "NO PLEASE! Lord please don't let it he her! Please! Please! Take me instead, kill me instead! Not her please!" I got up from the couch and stumbled into the kitchen. I pulled out a knife and pointed it directly at me. "I have to do it! I have to be with her! I love her! I love her. I love her" I kept saying it over and over agin.

"Bringggg, bringggg" my phone went off. I answered it. "Hello" I sniffled. "Babe what's wrong?" It was Y/N. "Your alive! OH MY GOD, YOU SCARED THE BLOODY HELL OUT OF ME!" I yelled and screamed into the phone. I dropped the knife in the sink. "Yeah I'm fine, luckily I didn't go on the plane. My dad rang me 5 minutes before I went on and said that the party was cancelled because my sister was sick" she slowly said. "Oh thank god!" Thomas yelled. "I love you so much Y/N! I don't know what I would do with out you!" I said. "Aww Tom I love you too!" She said back, "babe could you come and pick me up?" "Sure" I laughed a bit. "I will be there in about 10 minutes" I hung the phone up and grabbed my car keys.

I drove to the air port and picked up Y/N on the whole way back I had her hand and we spoke about crazy things, like why butterflies are called butterflies. They're not even made out of butter. When we arrive home she jumped on the couch. I ran to the fridge and took out the chocolate coated strawberries I made earlier. "Here you go my lovely" Y/N opened her mouth and I fed her a strawberry. "Babe, yum!" She gave me a kiss.

"I Love you so much Tom!" She pulled away from the kiss and looked into my eyes. "I love you so bloody much as well Y/N" we kissed again and then we watched movies for the rest of the day.

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