Movie love - Thomas Sangster imagine

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Chapter 4

I raced down one of the long narrow hallways, not even sure where I was going. I saw Kaya run into a bedroom, I took a quick glance into the bedroom she was in and kept running. I ran to the end of the hallway and took a sharp right turn that led into a second living room. There was another hallway opposite side of the living room so I quickly followed it and it led me up wooden stairs. I ran up the stairs and down another hallway.

I took a turn into a room, it was huge but not what I liked. I quickly ran out of it and into the last room that was opposite the side of the other room. There was a large sign plastered across the door saying "King Neptune's Palace". I opened the door and there was the prettiest, most coolest looking room I have ever seen.

I slammed the door shut and ran to the bed. I jumped on the bed and laid there scanning the room. The bedroom was perfect. It had a huge king sized bed in the middle of the room. It had 2 other doors in the room. But the coolest thing, was the glass window. It looked like the room was underwater. There was a remote and instructions on the bedside table.

I picked it up and skimmed through the instructions. The instructions read:

1) press the small button that reads "different" to change the background.
2) if you want to google or get a picture for your background google it to your iPhone, iPod or iPad.
3) when happy with your background click "add to window background".
4) it takes 5 minutes for your background to upload.
5) there you have it, your own background.

I put down the instructions and that's when I heard foot steps racing up the stairs.

"Aha I got here first!" I heard Thomas scream.

"Not fair!" Will squealed.

I started laughing and then the door opened.

"Wow!" Will stared at my room with amazement, not even realising that I was there.

"Wow indeed!" I frightened him and he looked at me.

"Argh! I didn't know you were in here!" He moaned.

"Sorry." I giggled and he sighed and walked out.


5 minutes had past and Ki Hong started yelling.


"OK!" Everyone agreed and I walked out of my room only to bump into someone.

"Sorry." I looked up and saw Thomas.

"No I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm sorry." He apologised and locked eyes with mine. We stared into each other's eyes for a while. His eyes were beautiful. They were these dark chocolate orbs. That just melted my heart away.

"Argh we should go." I nervously said.

"Yeah." He replied and we quickly made our way down stairs and into the entrance living room.

Will, Kaya, Dylan and Ki Hong were sitting on the couch and Will was holding a pen and map. I sat down next to Kaya and Thomas sat down next to Dylan.

"Ok, so who has the sea horse room?" Will asked and circled a room on the map.

"I do!" Ki Hong said.

"Ok." Will wrote Ki beside the room name.

"Oh, so we all have different names for our rooms!" Dylan nodded.

"That's a pretty cool idea!" I blurted out.

"Yeah!" Kaya agreed.

"Ok so who has crab city?" Will asked.

"Me!" Kaya raised her hand.

"Ok." Will wrote Kaya beside her room on the map.

"Who has fish kingdom?" Will asked.

"Umm, I think that's me." Dylan said in an unsure voice. "Wait, yep that's me!".

Will wrote Dylan's name beside his room.

"Who has mermaida?" Will asked and looked around the room.

"I do." Thomas raised his hand.

"Ok, so that means Y/N gets King Neptune's Palace." Will wrote my name beside my room and Thomas's name beside his room. "Well Tom, can I share with you?".

"Sure." Thomas didn't mind.

"Ok let's get settled in then!" Dylan stood up and walked over to the bag trolly. He picked up our suitcases and passed them to us.

Then we got out stuff and walked to our room. I walked up stairs with my bags piled up in my hands. I walked up the stairs trying to see where I was going and tried to balance all of my luggage. Buy then I slipped and fell backwards. But I was thankfully caught but 2 strong muscular arms that held me firmly around my waist. Those arms belonged to the one I've been crushing on for a while.

"Here let my help you." His thick British accent echoed in my head and he pulled me back up.

"Thank you, and it's ok I've got it." I smiled and collected my fallen bags and struggled to walk up the stairs.

"Here." He grabbed my bags.

"Thank you, my rooms just up here." I walked quicker and then made it to the hallway, I walked into my room and set a couple of my bags down on my bed. He set down my bags as well and looked around at my new bedroom.

"Wow! You by far have the best room!" He wowed in amazement. I gave a small nod and a smile danced around my face.

"Thank you again." I smiled and he nodded and walked towards the door.

"If you need any more help, I'm just across the hall." He smiled and walked out of the room.

I smiled and began unpacking my belongings. I unpacked my clothes and put them into the large roomy closet. I stacked up all of my books and put them into the book shelf that sat above the cabinet. I put all of my makeup, perfumes, dental care, body wash, creams and hair objects in the closet in my en-suit.

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