Faded part 2 // TBS

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Little things that we use to do hurts me. Like remembering how he always called me 'love' or 'my queen', or how we use to hold hands, our fingers entwined together or how Thomas use to kiss my nose just to tease me. The little things that I never thought mattered, matters. Ever since that day I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't think. I cried myself to sleep every night thinking what I did wrong, thinking why he chose her over me. Why he left.

But then I realised. I'm dead. I'm literally dead. I'm a ghost. I'm a ghost who is stuck in this empty apartment. I'm stuck in this apartment that is full of memories. Memories that I wished I forgot. I wish I knew how I died. I wish. That's the thing about wishes they can be hurtful and ruin your life or they can be the best thing and make your life brighter.

As I looked through pictures, pictures of Thomas and I, pictures of my friends and family, it started to all add up. It all makes sense. I remember how I died.

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