Hurt // Thomas Sangster imagine

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Thomas Sangster imagine part 2:

Her body trembling and with every second, she got closer and closer to the concrete.

She opened her eyes once and closed them again. Y/N felt all the pain slipping from her body.

She reached the end. She reached darkness. She was gone. Forever.

She lay on the concrete, a soulless pale body. Just laying there with no life. Blood poured from her sides and carcass.


After several minutes of Y/N laying there she got taken to the hospital; where her parents and family were already waiting there. Her mother sat there ferociously crying. Her father held his head in his hands quietly sobbing. Her grandparents tried to cheer up Y/N's older sister; but it was no use she kept screaming like a maniac.

After 10 minutes of waiting in the hospital waiting area Thomas came bolting in. His
cheeks were stained from tears, his eyes were puffy and a crimson red colour, his hair was sweaty and sticking to the side of his head.

"WHERE IS SHE?!!" Thomas yelled at no one in particular.

"Oh, Thomas." Y/N's mother wiped away her tears and pulled Thomas into a hug. "She's- she's gone." She erupted with tears once again and so did Thomas.



"Your father made me, I didn't want to but he said that I have to. I love her too much and it hurt not being with her. Now she's gone." His voice broke.

"WAIT WHAT?!! YOU MADE HIM BREAK UP WITH HER?!" Y/N's mum turned and looked at Y/N's dad.

"I- argh.. Well... I just thought that she should be focused on work then some boy." He sighed.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT SHE'S DONE THIS TO HERSELF! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?! MY BABY GIRL IS GONE NOW! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" Her mum yelled and threw her hands up. She burst out into another fit of tears and her grandparents cried harder. Her sister smacked her head against the wall as she screamed and cried.



"Can I see her? Please!" Thomas begged the doctor.

The doctor nodded and Thomas bolted into the room. Y/N's body lay still on the hospital bed. He slowly crept towards her.

Y/N had her eyes closed and laid there still. Her skin was pale and ice cold. Thomas walked towards her and lightly skimmed his fingers over her arms.

"What have you done to yourself, love? It's all my fault! I'm so sorry Y/N. I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry." Thomas sobbed and pushed his head into Y/N's chest. "I love you so much! Please, God help her! Please! Please!" He continued to mumble it over again and again.

He sat there looking at her, taking in all of her features. He kissed her face repeatedly and told her how they were going to meet again very soon. Very, very soon.

He told her how much he loved her and what he loved about her.


After being in the room with Y/N for 1 hour he kissed her lips again and said goodbye. Her stumbled out the door and over to Y/N's family.

They all sat there crying and devastated.

Y/N's father pulled him into a hug and then Y/N's mother hugged him patting his back.

"She really loved you." Y/N's mum whispered into his ear. Thomas cried harder into Y/N's mums shoulder. Then Y/N's older sister and grandparents hugged him.

"I'm going to see her." Y/N's sister said and walked into the room where her body lay still and cold.

"Thomas, you can have anything you want from Y/N's room." Her mum spoke quietly.

"Thank you." Thomas replied. "May I take some stuff now?" He asked.

"Sure." she smiled.

"Thank you." Thomas smiled weakly and walked out of the hospital.


He walked into Y/N's house and walked into her room. There on her desk sat a small diary. Thomas picked up the diary and began to read the page of her beautiful handwriting.

Tears stormed his eyes once again. He couldn't stand properly, he stumbled to the ground and dropped to his knees.

The page of the diary read:

Dear Thomas,

Even though you broke my heart, I still love you and always will. The thing about my love towards you is unbearable and can not ever be undone, for I will love you till the end of time.

I'm sorry I'm not pretty or super skinny, I know that that is the only reason you broke up with me and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm not that awesome girlfriend who doesn't sit around being lazy and is so clingy and needy towards her boyfriend. I'm sorry that I wasn't like that.
I'm sorry.

I can not live in a world without you; so I may as well not live at all.
Tom, you don't see how much I need you, how much I needed you. Not a day went by without me missing you or needing you. I can't stand to be apart from you Thomas. I just can't.

I hope you can forgive me, for what I have done.

Forever and always,
Love Y/N x

Thomas lay on the ground paralysed. Tears swarming out of his eyes like little vultures fighting over the parts of a dead zebra carcass. All of his emotions swirling and churning inside his stomach.

He got off the floor, stumbling towards the window trying to keep his balance. He opened the window and threw himself out. Just like that.

His whole life raced before his eyes.

He reached the end of his time and smacked into the concrete.


A bright, white light shone upon Thomas's face. He squinted at first the opened his eyes fully.

In front of him was her.

In front of him was Y/N.

"Thomas, why? It wasn't your time!" Y/N whimpered.

"I just couldn't be without you. Y/N I love you too much, it killed me seeing you like that. I rather die then be without you." Thomas's voice broke.

"Thomas. I love you too." She leaped forward at him and pulled him into a hug followed by a passionate kiss.


"Thomas? Are you still here?" Y/N's mother cried from the living room. She walked into Y/N's room and saw Y/N's diary on the floor. She picked it up and read the page.

Tears swelled up into her eyes and she saw Thomas's jacket. She ran towards the open window and looked down.

There lay Thomas's body, crumpled up into a heap of mess.

"OH MY GOD!" Y/N's mum screamed.

"WHAT?!" Y/N's dad and sister came running in.

She pointed out the window and they gasped.

"Oh my god!" Y/N's sister sobbed.

"At.. At least they are happy up in heaven together. Love never dies." Y/N's father whispered and wiped away the straining tears from his eyes.


What did you think?

It sucked didn't it?! I thought so, sorry.

- Nat xx

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now