For lauren // newt imagine

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Lauren's POV

Being the only girl in the glade is exhausting, I mean you get flirted with and hitted on. It's funny how far guys would go just to touch your boobs. I mean the other day Minho hugged me tightly and started rubbing our chests together, or how about Thomas he dared Gally to touch my butt, which Gally did. It's so annoying, especially if you have one guy that you like but he doesn't like you back, which is newt by the way. He's so amazing and cute and he's so kind. But it will never happen. Argh. Thanks for listening diary. - Lauren

I put my diary under my pillow and walk towards the garden, that's where I work. Planting vegetables and fruits is not that fun, but when you have newt there, well that's a whole other story.

"Hey Newt." I say smiling brightly while slipping a pair of gloves on.

"Hey Lauren." He says in his thick British accent. "Come over here, I need some help." I do as told and jog toward him.

"What do you need me to do?" I ask crouching down beside him.

"Can you plant the beans, I just need to quickly ask Thomas something."

"Sure." I say and start planting all sorts of beans.

Newts POV

I see her from a distance, she is beautiful. Then I see Thomas. "Hey, Thomas," I see him lazing in his hammock with chuck,

"Hey man, what do you need?" He asks.

"How do you know if someone likes you?" I ask shyly.

"Oooo." A whole chorus of "ooo's" flood from Thomas and chucks mouths.

"Don't worry." I sigh and walk away, but I don't go back to Lauren instead I go to my hammock. Someone's taken my pillow. I look onto Lauren's hammock and she's got two there so I take one of them. As I pull it a small journal comes flying out and opens to a page. A page of my name with loves hearts circulating around it. She does like me.

I jump for joy and run toward her. Pull her from the soil by her hand, and kiss her. She kisses me back and tangles her arms around my neck.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now