You. Her. Me. - Thomas Sangster imagine - Chapter one

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Chapter one

I was in my bed texting my best friend, Thomas.

*Hey Y/N guess what?*
- Thomas

- Y/N

*I'm coming home today*
- Thomas

*Really? I thought you were coming home in 2 more months?😄👏*
- Y/N

*Yeah well I was, but then Wes Ball said that we can continue after Dylan gets better, because he's got a flu😂😏*
- Thomas

*I'm so happy Thomas! We are going to have the best time! 😉*
- Y/N

*So am I, I can't wait to see you! And I've got a little surprise for you!*
- Thomas

*I can't wait either. I will see you soon and you know I hate surprises!*
- Y/N

*I know aha! Ok see you later 😂*
- Thomas

I turned off my phone and clutched it in my hands holding it to my heart. I can't wait to see him! I'm finally going to tell him how I feel about him. How I've always felt about him. I got up from my bed and ran down stairs. "Mum, guess what? Guess what?" I yelled as I ran into the kitchen. "What's is it dear?" My mother said as she was putting the pancakes of the table. "Thomas is coming home today! He's coming to visit!" I yelled at my mum while giving her a huge hug. "Haha I know hun, he will be here soon. So quickly go get dressed" she smiled as she hugged back. "Ok I'm going" I sprinted out of the kitchen before my mum yelled "Are you going to tell him?" She gave a smirk. I nodded a yes and made my way up the stairs.
Yes, I told my mum how I felt about Thomas because well, she's like my best friend. I can talk about anything with her. Tom and I have been best friends ever since we could talk. I have always had feelings for him. Always. But I never had the guts to tell him. So today was that day!

I ran into the bathroom and turned on the hot water in the shower, making the glass of the shower fog up. I walked back into my room and grabbed my phone and speaker. I walked back into the bathroom and connected my phone to the speaker. I clicked on my playlist and Lana Del Rey started to play threw the speakers echoing all around the bathroom. I stripped and jumped into the shower.

After I was done I jumped out of the shower and wrapped a fluffy towel around myself. I picked up my phone and speakers and walked back to my room. I put my phone on my bed and put on my favourite song "Hanging tree". It started to play and I sang and danced around my room to it.
"Are you, are you, coming to the tree?"
"They strung up a man, they say who murdered tree."
"Strange things did happen here. No stranger would it be."
"If we met at midnight in the hanging tree."
The song continued and I kept singing and dancing to it.

"Wow I didn't know you could dance or sing?" Thomas stood at my door leaning on my door smirking. "Thomas" I ran and screamed as I jumped onto him giving him the biggest hug, making him fall on top of me. "I've missed you so much Tommy!" I played with his hair and we looked into each other's eyes. *Cough cough* "oh sorry, Y/N this is Isabella" he helped me up and pointed to a short, light brown haired girl. She was beautiful to be honest, she was wearing a short light pink dress that showed quite a lot of skin."Hello, I'm Thomas's girlfriend" she held her hand out to me. "Uh hi, I- I'm Tom's best friend Y/N" I threw on a fake smile and shook her hand. Her hand was warm and I could smell all of the different kinds of perfume she had on, which nearly made me sneeze. "Um I'm just going to get dressed" I said in a nice smile. "Sure, we will be down stairs waiting for you" Thomas replied with a smile then shut the door behind them.

I ran to my bed and hid in the blankets, putting all of the pillows over me. Tears started to swell up into my eyes. I smashed my head into a bunch of pillows and let out all of my tears. I couldn't breath properly because all of the salty water from my eyes had seeped threw my pillows, making them soggy and me to breath in water. My little brother must have heard me because he walked into my room and asked if everything was ok I put on a fake smile and said yes. He walked over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Y/N don't worry that Isabella girl is mean and Thomas loves you not her!" He said as he released from the hug and walked out of the room. I smiled at him and took a deep breath in. I grabbed my phone and started to text my mum.

*Mum I don't feel to well, could you please tell Tom that him and his "girlfriend" can go do whatever without me please!*
- Y/N

*But he's come all this way!*
- Mum

*Mum please!*
- Y/N

*Ok, ok but you owe me big time*
- Mum

*Thank you and ok 😂😘*
- Y/N

I heard my mum talking to Thomas he didn't want to go without me but Isabella convinced him to. Gosh I hate that girl! (In real life I don't hate her she is really pretty and all and I like her! Just to clear that up!😂😂).
Then I heard the front door slam shut and a car engine start then the car disappeared. I looked out of the window just to check if they were gone or not which they were luckily. I sighed loudly and hopped back into bed. "Y/N are you ok honey?" My mum walked into my room. "Yeah I'm fine" I lied and gave a small sniffle. "No your not, come here" she walked into my room and gave me a hug. I started bawling my eyes out. "Hey shhh, it's ok" she patted my back and gave me a kiss in the forehead. "Why don't you get dressed and we can talk about it or go watch a movie" she got up from my bed and walked back downstairs. I walked over to my closet and put some running shorts, and a black crop top on. I tied my hair up into a high ponytail and whipped my eyes. I walked down stairs and sat down at the table. My mum made me a cup of tea and I told her everything. After we were done talking I asked to go for a run.

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