Pen // TBS imagine

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

"Brayden! Get out of my room!" I screamed at my brother's friend who was rummaging around in my desk drawers.

"Fuc-," Brayden quickly leaped from my desk and walked towards my door causally,"I thought you were going to be home at 4:30."

"No, netball was cancelled and why are you in my room?!" I crossed my arms over my chest and yelled.

"I was looking for a pen." Brayden replied.

"You idiot! There's a big tub of pens in the study room!" I shook my head.

"Yeah- but that's collective items!" Brayden screamed back at me.

"Y/N!" Thomas yelled from downstairs.

"Up here!" I called back. Thomas stood beside me.

"Hey," he pecked my lips.

"Hey." I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Thomas looked at me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"That retard!," I say pointing at Brayden,"has been in my room looking through all of my things."

"Oh." Thomas nodded and smiled at Brayden. He let go of me and walked towards Brayden who was completely red from blushing. "Do you still like Y/N?" Thomas asked Brayden and Brayden nodded awkwardly. "I see," Thomas grinned,"I know what your looking for." Thomas walked towards my underwear drawer and pulled out a pair of black lace underwear ugh my matching bra,"This is what your looking for." Brayden shuttered his eyes growing large and his lip flicking up into a smirk.

"Well, guess what. I take these off her lovely body every night," Thomas boasted looking happy with him self,"If you come into her room ever again and try looking for these or anytime I will make sure your next girlfriend or boyfriend knows what kind of pervert you are." Thomas said sternly.

"I-argh-I..." Brayden gawked and looked back at me then at tho,as then bolted out of my room.

"Well he won't be coming into your room anytime soon." Thomas smiled cheekily.

"God I love you." I laughed and hugged Thomas.

"I love you too." He kissed me.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now