Faded // TBS

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Thomas Sangster imagine:

I always had this theory that love would last forever. It shall not fade, but last forever no matter the consequence. For love is something to cherish, something to believe in. I once had love but it died within me. I guess it died within both of us.

So here I am now, alone in my cold empty apartment on the floor at 2am looking through old pictures. It's funny how I think that I once shared this apartment with Thomas. It's funny actually how I think that we were together. We both knew that it wouldn't work, being best friends and all. But we weren't thinking and I guess it just happened. I was just waiting for it to happen. For him to kiss me. For him to say he loved me. For us to be as one. I loved him, I really did. He loved me too, but then it all took a wrong turn when he met Isabella. Not only our love died but so did our friendship and I died along with it.

Now they are in love somewhere, in a huge mansion, the two of them cuddled in bed. His arms wrapped around her, his lips pressed to her head. Everything that I had slipped away. Faded.

Thomas Sangster imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now