Piece by Piece

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Snarry... or Snyra I suppose

A young women skipped along a path to some carriages that would take her to the castle up ahead. She gained some looks because of her cheery attitude plus her unfamiliar face. She had long raven hair; held back from her face by a dark green glittery headband, beautiful emerald green eyes, bright pink lips and tanned soft skin. She was about 5'11. She donned a casual sleeveless glittery dress that stopped at her knees; the top of the dress was dark green and the skirt part of it was black, skin coloured tights to keep her legs warm, a white fluffy cardigan, and glittery black high heels. You wouldn't need to look hard to see a small bump on her stomach.

The woman stopped when she got to a carriage and held onto the side to catch her breath slightly and hold onto her stomach.
'Are you okay miss?' The woman looked up in the carriage to see a young lad she recognised to be Colin Creevey. (There was no way I was going to let him stay dead.)

'I'm alright, sweet. I tend to get too happy and skip lately... and I'm not really in the shape to do so anymore,' the woman replied with a chuckle.

'Here, let me help you up,' Colin said, standing from his seat to help her up. The woman took the hand with a slight embarrassed blush and small smile and stepped up into the carriage.

'Thank you,' the woman said as she sat down opposite him.

'You're welcome,' Colin replied with a grin.
'I don't mean to sound rude but are you new because I haven't seen you around before?'

'Oh, technically I'm not new. I used to look differently,' the woman answered with a chuckle. Colin tilted his head and looked at her in confusion as he tried to figure out who she is... well was. His face lit up for a quick second but it was replaced with more confusion as he glanced up to her forehead.

'It can't be...' Colin whispered.

'No, no,' the woman said quickly and looked around at the people going around their carriage since it hadn't moved yet.
'It is Lyra now.'

'How?' Colin asked after a few seconds.

'Potions can apparently be useful,' the woman, Lyra, replied. Colin chuckled at that and calmed down slightly.

'Are you a real girl or a real boy?' Colin asked, smirking at his reference. Lyra recognised the reference and laughed.

'A real girl,' Lyra replied.

'Who knew you could look so great as female,' Colin mumbled.
'Who got you pregnant?'

'Secret,' Lyra answered.

'Girl or boy? Wait... never mind. A female can't get you pregnant. I mean... unless they were biologically a guy when you became a female and got you pregnant before turning into a female as well,' Colin said.

'It was and still is a guy that got me pregnant,' Lyra answered.

'How far along are you?' Colin questioned.

'Two months exactly,' Lyra replied.

'So you're due April first?' Colin asked with an amused smile.

'Yes,' Lyra sighed.
'They're definitely going to be a prankster.' Colin laughed as the carriage began going forward.

'Will you be finding out the gender in two months?' Colin asked.

'No, the father and me want to be surprised. We'll be buying female clothes, male clothes, and unisex clothes. The baby won't really care for the difference until they are at least three or four,' Lyra answered. Colin had to stop himself from asking about the father again.

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