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Luna woke up on a Wednesday morning definitely feeling like she did every other day. Happy and dreamy.
The fact that it was February 14th didn't bother her at all. Not at all. Nope, she wasn't even more happy today or anything.
What made February 14th so special? It was Valentine's day. Though Luna wasn't expecting anything to happen to her, she was still super happy. Today, all type of couples would show their love for each other. And those who weren't couples, well they sent little Valentine's cards to those they cared for. Whether that caring be romantic or platonic. Today was the day to tell people you care and not have an excuse as to why. Luna just loved the thought she wasn't going to be the only one happy and dreamy.

So, with that in mind, Luna got out of her bed and walked quietly to her trunk. She pulled out a purple jumper and blue jeans, along with white converse trainers.
She walked into the shared bathroom and quickly got changed. Once she had gotten the clothes on she went to the cupboard next to the sink and pulled out her jewellery box. She pulled her feather necklace, earrings and ring out before putting them on. She pulled out a small box and opened it up. Inside was a floral tiara. Her father had gotten it for her before he... died. He had said it was something to keep her safe during those strange times.

She quickly brushed her hair before placing the tiara on her head

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She quickly brushed her hair before placing the tiara on her head. Luna looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She stepped out of the bathroom to see everyone else getting up.
'Nice tiara Luna, where'd you get it?' One of her dorm mates asked.

'My father gave it me,' Luna answered, sadly.

'Any particular reason you're wearing it today?' The dorm mate asked.

'It's Valentine's day,' Luna chuckled.

'Oh, it's too early,' the dorm mate groaned as she walked into the bathroom. Luna said goodbye to her dorm mates before leaving the dorm. She went down into the Common room and waved to anyone who looked her way as she left the tower. As she made her way to the Great Hall, she met up with Neville who was a bundle of nerves.

'Neville, why so nervous?' Luna smirked.

'You know why Lu, they've ignored me all week,' Neville pouted.

'Why on earth would they do that?' Luna asked, acting innocently.

'Luuuuuu,' Neville whined.

'What?' Luna once again asked, acting innocently.

'You know I don't know, and you asking me... again, is going to leave me wondering all day,' Neville replied. Luna chuckled lightly.

'Well, try talking to them today,' Luna said.

'I can't do that,' Neville frowned.

'Why not?' Luna questioned, now she was confused.

'They've obviously been planning something for their Valentine's. I can't get in the way of them telling some lucky girl,' Neville sighed. Luna looked at him with a "really" face as he was being really stupid and oblivious right.

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