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Okay, you'll have to trust me on this one. Please.


Harry was walking along the Hogwarts hallways. It was almost eight o'clock in the afternoon. It was almost time for curfew and he was doing a... fellow staff member a favour and reminding any stray students that they should hurry with whatever they were doing since that staff member was... preoccupied.
It was quiet today though.
Harry stopped briefly and checked his pocket watch. Smirking, he saw that it was eight exactly.
Changing course, Harry went back down the hallway and then many other before stopping in front of a classroom. Taking a deep breath, Harry made himself look as strict as he could.
With a wave of his wand, the door flew open and stormed into the classroom.
'Detention again, Mr Snape!' Harry snapped as he walked past his student. The student in question, a Mr. Severus Snape, was sat at the front of the classroom with a fed up look on his face.
'How very disappointing...' Harry sighed, stopping in front of his desk. Severus at least had the decency to looking away in guilt.
'What is it you did this time?'
'Why ask such a stupid question? You know why, Potter,' Severus spat. Harry grew cross and clenched his fist. Severus saw this action and fidgeted a tad.
'It's Professor Potter to you. I won't tell you again,' Harry gritted out.
'Now! What is it you done wrong this time?'
'...I kept interrupting you during class, Professor Potter,' Severus drawled, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
'Enough of the sass, young man,' Harry said. Severus scoffed at that.
'For your punishment, you are to write about fifteen inches worth of reasons why you keep getting detention this year.'
'Don't even try it!' Harry interrupted.
'If anything, I'm being easy on you for all that you have done this year.' Harry grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill from his desk and walked over to Severus. He slammed the items of the table and walked away.
'Get started, now.'
Harry rolled his eyes at the mumbling he could just hear.
Five minutes went by and Harry heard a quill being placed down.
'Finished, Professor Potter.' Harry looked up at Severus with a calculating look. He doubted Severus had finished that quickly.
He got up out of his chair anyway and walked over to the student.
Severus' innocent smile made him doubt it even more so he quickly picked up the parchment and read it over.
Harry growled. The little prick had written in large bold letters that covered the parchment.
"The reasons for me being in detention so many times this year is because 'Professor' Potter is a dunderhead that can't punish his students properly."
'You little... if my punishments aren't good enough, I suppose I'll have to up my game. ...The punishments now-a-days don't really work on you at this point. So maybe something... old fashioned... should do the trick.' Severus sat up in his seat in interest and slight worry.
'Hmm... I wonder how old fashioned.' Harry places his hands on his hips as he thought it over. Then when one of his fingers grazed along his belt. He got an idea.
A dark smirk appeared on his face and he looked back at Severus. Taking off his belt, he continued to speak.
'How about a dozen spanks with my good old belt? That sounds like something that might get you to behave.'
Severus' eyes widened at his words.
'S-Sir I-'
'Ah ah, it's time for your punishment. Harry walked over to his desk and pulled out his chair. He pushed the arms up and sat down.
'Come here, now.'
Severus was a bit red in the cheeks as he slowly walked towards him.
'Please sir I-'
'Enough, Mr. Snape. I don't want to see you in any more detentions for at least a few months. This should do the trick if the modern methods don't work,' Harry interrupted. Severus gulped and stared at Harry's lap.
'I haven't got all night, Mr. Snape. Over my knees, now.'
'H-How?' Severus questioned shyly. Harry scoffed; this was the first he'd seen the little prick get shy.
'Well, you should be tall enough to kneel down on the floor. From there you'll lay the rest of yourself on my lap,' Harry explained. Severus bit his lip in embarrassment as he got to his knees. With a slight groan he went over Harry's lap. The young man held on to the legs of the chair and prepared himself.
Harry folded the belt and placed it gently over the man's behind.
'You'll count each one out loud and after you'll ask for forgiveness.' Severus groaned again as he nodded.
Harry raised the belt into the air and then brang it down.
His student helped in surprise.
'O-one,' he whispered. Harry brung the belt up again and then brang it down again. Once again Severus yelped and whispered the number.  The next four Severus only groaned and mumbled the numbers.
When Harry got to the seventh spank, Severus began to gasp and... moan the numbers.
Harry had to shake his head to concentrate on the punishment.
The last two Harry done quickly. Severus was left panting over his lap, moaning quietly as something rather hard pressed against Harry's thigh. Harry took a deep breath to control his thoughts.
'Are you forgetting something, Severus?'
The young man shook his head.
'No... I- I apologise for my behaviour over the year Professor Potter. Please forgive me for being so childish.' This time there was no bite.
'Hmm, so it seems this worked. What a good student you are... I forgive you. I feel like I should reward you.' The mention of a reward caused Severus has to shoot up and look up at him.
Apart of Harry found it quite difficult looking at him in this position. Bent over his lap whilst looking at him with such a hopeful lookin his eyes. But he simply took another breath, ignored his own problem and continued speaking.
'I feel like house points are too basic for you also... what reward would you like?'
Severus glanced away briefly with the blush on his face intensifying.
'Well... there is something, Professor...'
'What is it, Mr. Snape?' Harry questioned.
Severus' eyes wandered to Harry's lap and then to his own behind before looking back at him.
'Oh...' Harry mumbled, swallowing rather roughly.
'I- I suppose if you uh... didn't tell anyone else about this reward... I could give it to you.'
'I wouldn't tell a soul, Professor,' Severus replied.
'In that case... bend over my desk,' Harry ordered. Severus nodded and got to his feet. Harry kindly removed the objects on the desk with his wand and Severus done as he was told. Harry grabbed his wrist and pulled them behind his back. With his belt, he tied the hands together.
'Are you comfortable, Mr. Snape?' Harry asked as he removed his tie.
'Yes, Professor,' Severus answered. Harry hummed and bent down.
'Spread your legs,' Harry told him. Severus done so and Harry tied his left foot to the desks leg. Harry stood and pulled Severus against him. Severus breath quickened as Harry slowly removed his tie. Harry then forced Severus' t-shirt open.
'Professor...' Severus groaned. Harry chuckled and ran his hands down Severus' torso as he lowered himself again. Harry tied the other foot to other desks leg. As he rose, he ran his hands up his students muscled legs. Harry rested mouth against the young man's ear as his hands set about unbuttoning his trousers.
'Look at you...' Harry whispered as he yanked the trousers down. Luckily Severus' legs weren't too far apart so the trousers fell to the floor.
'Trousers down by your bound ankles, shirt forced open, hands tied behind your back with the very same belt I spanked your behind with...'
Severus choked on a moan.
Harry ran his hands down and slipped underneath Severus' boxers. He cupped the man's sore arse cheeks and squeezed gently.
Severus let his moans fall from his mouth as he felt the sting of pleasure and pain.
'Please, Professor...' Severus begged.
'Please what?' Harry asked, pulling down the boxers.
'Please fuck me, Professor Potter,' Severus answered desperately. Harry found himself groaning.
'Very well...' Harry muttered. Using his own precum as a lubricant, Harry rubbed himself against Severus arse. With one hand he pulled back Severus' reddened cheek. He rested the tip of his penis against Severus hole before slowly pushing in.
'Oh... you feel so good, Mr. Snape. You're such a sexy little student. Naughty but sexy.'
'Thank you, Professor,' Severus mumbled. Harry scoffed in amusement.
Pulling back till just his tip was in, Harry rocked his hips forward. Both he and Severus gasped at the sensation. Harry repeated the action and found himself loving the angle. Making quite a lot of the noise himself, Harry slammed into Severus over and over again.
Harry pushed Severus against the desk and held onto his tied hand. Harry pounded into Severus harder and harder with each thrust.
Soon Harry found himself going a speed he never thought possible but froze when he came deep in Severus. He had even felt him tip over the edge. But the orgasm was mind blowing. Apparently, Severus felt the same way as he was soon screaming out his thanks to his professor for fucking him so well. Harry fell back into the chair as he panted. Severus remained bent over the desk as he came down from the high.
'Fucking hell, Harry... that.... that was the best idea I have ever had,' Severus mumbled into the desk.
'Yes, yes it was. We are so doing that again,' Harry replied, resting his head on the back of the chair and closing his eyes 
'Who knew that role play would lead to the most amazing orgasm ever?'
'Only those who have done it,' Severus scoffed. The man stood and easily slid out of the belt. Bending down to untie himself.
'And thanks for the young man comment.'
'What? You are a young man. I don't think you'll die until at least 150. But I'm going at 149 otherwise I'll kill you for leaving me alone in this world,' Harry mumbled. Harry felt rather than saw Severus sit on his lap. He really didn't have the energy to open his eyes.
Harry wrapped his arms around Severus and pulled him against himself.
'So... we really didn't discuss whether is should stay here tonight. I don't doubt the possibility of McGonagall knowing some part of the reason I visited other than to fill in for you whilst you were "preoccupied" if I were to go home.'
'Hmm yes... her mind is permanently trapped in the gutter... I suppose you can stay,' Severus replied. Harry opened one eye and smiled at him.
'You liked the belt then?' Harry questioned either chuckle.
'Mmm, it was unexpected on your part. You told me I would have some sort of punishment but you did not tell me you were going to spank me with your belt,' Severus drawled.
'But yes... I liked it. I wouldn't be disappointed if it were to happen again.'
'Is that so... Mr. Snape?' Harry purred. Severus groaned and leant forward to kiss him. Harry hummed in delight.
'I love you baby.'
'And I love you darling.' Harry smiled warmly at him before giving him a toothy grin. Harry slid his hands under Severus' arse and quickly picked him up.
'Come on let's go to bed so I fuck you once more,' Harry chuckled, walking toward a currently blank portrait.
'You are insatiable!'

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