Love at First Sight

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(I've only done one of these so... here you go Tomarry fans. This is probably only going to be short. Like real short. Remus may be half out of character. As well as Draco.)

'What Ronald?' Harry hissed, when the ginger elbowed him in the side... really hard.

'Put your fangs away now,' Ronald ordered, talking to him like some pet animal.

'Why?' Harry asked, looking around the corner of the wall they were hiding behind with some other people.

'Listen to him,' a man in an oversized cloak chuckled in a warm tone. Harry wasn't death or stupid, he could hear the hidden threat. Feeling particularly annoyed, Harry kept his fangs out.

'Harry, put them away please,' Remus asked softly.
Harry let out a low growl and put his fangs away. He had to bloody listen to Remus.

*Let's pause for a sec. You're probably all wondering why and how Harry has fangs. Well, Harry was bitten from two completely different creatures. One sent from each of the two different sides.

From the light side, The Vampires.

And from the dark side, The Werewolves.

He was bit by them at the same time when he got in the way during the supposed to be final fight. Both had let go of him quickly but their venom had already been injected into his blood. Both venom were as strong as each other so neither if them dominated. See, for every other magical and non magical being, the venom would just disintegrate and the being would not turn into either creatures.
But it's Harry Potter.l so he was turned into both. He was a Vampire Werewolf cross. Lucky that saved him from turning into the -no offense to Remus and his buddies- ugly werewolf thing Remus turns into.

So the reason he had to listen to Remus was because the man was a dominate. And Harry being a submissive, meant he didn't have enough strength.
And because he wasn't allowed in his Menagerie of Vampires nor in his old pack of Werewolves. He was left with no choice, plus the man was his honorary godfather.

He had a choice on who could be his leader now.

Okay that should catch you up on Harry for now, let's get on the with this. *

Harry lifted his head slightly when he heard some movement from inside the building.

See, these Aurors had planned to ambush Voldemort from inside his own home.
If only Harry hadn't been bitten and stopped the huge supposed to be final fight then they wouldn't be here, five years later.
Harry didn't understand that, why were they going to kill this man when he hadn't done anything for five years. The man apparently didn't even look like a weird ass monster anymore either.
The reason Harry and Remus were there was because Remus was ordered to order Harry to come. If Harry had a choice, he'd be at home sitting in front of the fire, lights off, his blanket wrapped around him, a really fucking good book in his hands and his coffee and tea machine on his coffee table sitting to the right of the armchair he was sitting in.
But no, he was the weapon in this plan. Not for his creatures but because he was the only one who could defeat Voldemort. Remus would have probably been at home with his five year old son. Instead, his son is being babysat by his surrogate mother.

'Who is it?' Ronald questioned. Harry growled at the ginger, it was his dinner time and he was here. Harry was pissed. Ronald whimpered and fell back.

'Boy, stop,' the man in the oversized cloak warned, the being the head Auror. Harry's head cocked to the side at hearing that name, his growl deepening. He definitely wasn't going to tell them that the rest of their team was dead. There blood smelled great from their position.

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