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12 years ago...

Harry took a deep breath before knocking on the door before him. It took about a minute but the door soon opened. Harry could just hear the classical music in the background. In the door way stood a familiar blond wearing a light silver and Slytherin green dress robes; their shoes, socks and trousers black.
'Harry, what took you so long? Did you drive?'

'Yeah, sorry Draco. You know I don't like parties, I needed to relax before I came. Flooing or appearating here would do the opposite of that,' Harry replied as he stepped into Malfoy Manor.

'Well better late than never I suppose,' Draco muttered as they made their way to the ballroom.
'Nice outfit... you'll definitely get some obnoxious purebloods to leave, thank you.' Harry wore a light jade green blazer, a white button up silk shirt, tight black trousers, black socks, and black oxford shoes.

'Oh Draco, you don't have to leave on my account,' Harry sighed, placing a hand on Draco's shoulder.

'Don't touch me peasant,' Draco scoffed in disgust as he pushed the hand off. He went to open the ballroom doors but Harry stopped him.

'Do forgive me superior one, please allow me to open these doors. Someone in your class shouldn't have to do this lower class act,' Harry said, opening up the doors.

'Shove off you wanker,' Draco laughed but went in first. Harry chuckled and went in after him. Harry could only give an innocent smile of respect to the "obnoxious purebloods" when they sent disgust filled glares towards him. The smile only made them more angry. Draco lightly punched his shoulder and dragged him away before he was killed on the spot.

'They can't blame me for wearing a muggle suit, wizarding dress robes just look silly on me. You have to admit I look most dashing in these clothes,' Harry said to him. Draco scoffed in amusement and the two came to a stop in front of Draco's parents. Narcissa Malfoy was wearing a long tight silver dress that showed her left leg and left her arms bare but she covered them with a green scarf. Lucius Malfoy was wearing similar robes to Draco minus the green. Harry had to admit he looked-

'Father, mother, Harry is here now,' Draco called out, interrupting Harry's thoughts.

'What are you wearing?' Narcissa questioned, clear disgust in her voice.

'It looks great I know. Do you wish to know the maker so you can get your husband something similar?' Harry questioned, smiling innocently at the woman. Both Draco and Lucius took a sip of their drinks and looked away as Narcissa looked to them for help. The woman huffed and walked away.

'You must control yourself, Harry. We'll have no one left at this party at the rate you're going,' Draco chuckled.

'It's not my fault if they don't like my wonderful charm,' Harry replied.

'I don't see how they couldn't like your charm. I find it delightful. And you look stunning in your outfit, Mr. Potter. Though you'd look stunning in whatever you wore,' Lucius said in a silky tone that made Harry's heart miss a beat and his cheeks light up. Harry could see Draco looking at them with disbelief. He shook his head and went to talk with other people.

'Well I'm glad someone likes my charm. And thank you. You look mesmerising like always,' Harry­­­­­­­ replied. Lucius smiled down at him and Harry felt himself melt slightly.

'Harry!' The raven reluctantly looked away from Lucius and looked towards where his name was called. He saw Blaise Zabini waving him over. He heard Lucius huff and turned back around to see him glaring at Blaise as he walked away. Harry raised his eyebrow in confusion but went over to Blaise.

'May I have this dance oh ex of mine?' The man questioned when Harry reached him, bowing and holding his hand out. Harry chuckled and took the hand. Blaise grinned and brang them to the dance floor. He placed a hand on Harry's waist and gently held Harry's left hand in the air. Harry glanced at Blaise's attire and smiled. He was wearing light blue and silver dress robes, a white shirt, black trousers, and the same shoes as Harry. Blaise definitely looked handsome but Harry couldn't help but feel sorry for anyone looking at them at the moment. They're outfits clashed big time, just like they usually did. It was a little inside joke that got them to date in the first place but then they found out it wasn't just their outfits that clashed.
'I do apologise for chasing away that delicious meal you almost caught.' Harry blushed and shook his head in denial.

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